Man’s inalienable right to self-government

March 9, 2022 | 16 comments

God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 106

I pray that all people around the world, including those who live in Ukraine, Russia, China, Syria, and elsewhere, are empowered and free to exercise their inalienable rights of “self-government, reason, and conscience,” under the government of one universal God of Love.

16 thoughts on “Man’s inalienable right to self-government”

  1. Many years ago we had a church member who believed that this right of “self-government ” gave him the right to do whatever he wanted, irrespective of church byelaws. Jesus said “I can of mine own self do nothing”. This is true self government, in complete humility letting one Mind be expressed through everything we do. There is no duality, – no “what I want”, just the glorious expression of what God is. Mrs Eddy also writes “Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action.” SH 454 19-21. Universal Love guarantees right motives, and brings the blessing of Love to everyone. Universal Love is true government, and in the kingdom of God our rights are indeed inalienable, God guarantees them, – in reflecting God, fulfilling HIs will, aren’t we in fact truly self-governed?

  2. Recently I have been asking friends to
    guess my favorite word. Freedom
    “Freedom to think and act rightly.” MBE
    It started as a narrow freedom.
    Freedom to spend more time outside
    with the weather getting warmer.
    Freedom to walk the dog later
    because it is getting lighter.
    Freedom to understand our God given
    right to health.
    And now to know everyone is free
    born of God. Freedom to love not hate.
    Yes, freedom is my favorite word.
    Free from believing in any belief of
    Freedom is expansive. We need to live
    free of any kink of fear. That is true
    It isn’t easy to see and feel in some situations.
    Maybe feels impossible, but the word
    allows breathing space. We need to
    understand the truth behind the word, so
    everyone can, think and act rightly.
    Thanks Evan.

  3. Thank you very much, Evan. That’s great. I love being reminded to earnestly pray for all mankind, each day—knowing that each of us is, in reality, God’s beloved child; each of us is governed by Him, and so expresses God’s wisdom, freedom, harmony. The human scene can seem far from harmonious, and sometimes I am even tempted to wonder if my simple prayer. can help. But I do love being reminded to pray earnestly each day. Of course, Mary Baker Eddy wrote in the Manual of The Mother Church,. “It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to pray each day: ‘Thy kingdom come;’ let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!” This “Daily Prayer” shines with Christly love for all mankind, inspired by The Lord’s prayer. I do trust that our honesty and sincerity in loving everyone, seeing everyone as God’s beloved, bring blessings to ourselves and others.

  4. Our prayers are far reaching. I love that. Knowing the truth about God and man for everyone – wherever they are in the world. “All whom your thoughts rest upon…”
    Thanks for all you are doing for mankind, Evan and all

    1. Thanks CRL, I’ve always loved the thought that all upon whom our thoughts rest are included in the truths we are acknowledging.

      I heard two things recently that caught my attention. One is that when the earth is viewed from space we can see no borders or boundaries of separation, just one world (as God sees us). The other is that it’s impossible to create peace if you’ve never experienced it. We can pray to know that Peace is a natural quality built into all of God’s creations, so we can all experience it, and see it manifested.

  5. Freedom is so much in the forefront of thinking these days. All around the world, people
    are standing up for freedom. In some countries, this has been taken for granted until
    recently. Our God given freedoms are within and inherent and universal Love IS the
    answer and more and more is being recognized for what it is. Even in war torn areas, this
    Love is present in so many acts of kindness towards others.

  6. Exquisitely stated,, a perfect treatment for the claim of greed or thoughtless/reckless decisions by those believed to have power over so many! Thank you.

  7. Thank you Evan. So relevant right now, especially “Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.” So important to know the truth to be set free. ONLY “…only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.” If you listen to mortal mind “propaganda”, it is hard to hear the Truth. If you are focused on disease, it is hard to see health. But, Truth is all-powerful, even if someone is not listening to it. It is available right now at this moment to be discovered. An individual just needs to be awakened to the fact that they are listening to a lie instead of the Truth to be set free. That is true freedom.

  8. This is a wonderful perspective ,Evan – once again a good one to share on Social Media ! Thought must be lifted / roused from the hypnotic claims of Mortal mind’s propaganda —- just what Eddy requires us to do in her definition of Church “ rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs “ (ofdiscord/disaster etc. )
    The article Angie posted is also right on the button – have shared it extensively .
    Spirit View ; my “go to “ every morning – sharing with all you spiritual warriors !
    Thanks Evan —

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