Map out health, never disease

May 2, 2019 | 15 comments

“All disease is the result of education, and disease can carry its ill-effects no farther than mortal mind maps out the way.”
~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 176

It seems that mortal mind is overly active mapping out paths to disease for humanity to follow through constant media reports of disease, detailed descriptions of disease, and drug companies promoting fear of it.

Be wise! Never let mortal mind create any maps in your thought concerning your health. Stay clear on spiritual reality, that you are a healthy and well spiritual child of God, never capable of disease.

Let Truth alone map out any health-path for you to walk, and you will be safe. There is no other trustworthy map to follow.

15 thoughts on “Map out health, never disease”

  1. So true. “Man is incapable of sin, sickness or death. The real man cannot depart from holiness.” If we only know that we are harmonious and eternal and our life is hid with Christ in God with Truth in divine Love, the only picture we would entertain and map out is health, holiness, happiness and life eternal. Life is eternal, never in nor of matter and we live, move and have our being in Spirit, God. God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony and boundless bliss. Keep this picture in mind always, that we live, move and have our being in infinity, freedom, harmony and boundless bliss. Then life will be so pleasant, full of good health, vigor and vitality.
    Thanks Evan for the wonderful daily insights. All so helpful and good.

  2. Thank you, Evan – what a wonderful post!

    When I’m exposed to the latest disease-predicting health obsession, I sometimes think about Emma Morano.

    At 117, Emma was the “oldest” person whose age has been verified. Emma was/is a deeply spiritual person who loved to live quietly, love God and visit with family and friends.

    Emma’s diet was the opposite of what we think a good diet should be today. She ate a bowl of raw hamburger and a few cookies every day for 100 years. These food items constituted her diet and she hardly ate anything else.

    Emma ate this way because it was the recommended diet in her part of the world 100 years ago. She remained in perfect health.

    We are Spirit’s children, not matter’s, This doesn’t mean we can eat or do something we think is bad because we’re attracted to this food or activity. But I mention this example because it demonstrates health is not the effect of physical causes, so-called. Health is spiritual reality.

  3. Two common sayings came to me after reading this blog and the comments: (1) Ignorance is bliss. (2) Jesus said that it was what came out of your mouth that deflieth, not what you put in it. I think we still need to use common sense about our diet, but not be overly concerned with it. I have felt blessed by not knowing much about anatomy or disease when facing a physical problem. I even prefer not to give it a name or an identity. I claim my only identity as that as God’s perfect child, created by Him in His image and likeness. If only love comes out of my mouth, love will be reflected in love.

  4. Truth alone is real. The number one is real. Man is one with God. That is real. A mistake, though it may appear real, it is always a mistake.(false evidence appearing real) fear. Thy way is freedom Lord. Today is National Prayer Day

  5. When I read the word “disease” I often think “dis-ease” We are never ill=at-ease with God. We know that He is taking care of us totally, as Nergish said, for we live, and move, and have our being in Him. We exist in Spirit, in Life and Love, and we are His image and likeness, free from matter and its beliefs. I loved yesterday’s blog on beauty, also not a quality of matter, but of Spirit. Thanks, Evan; and the SpiritView family!

  6. ONE-der-full Comments, as usual! Thank you all!

    I so appreciate the startling report of that Elder who lived so simply, at one with Truth and Love, eating raw hamburger, and cookies, every day for 100 years!!

    If she lived in our modern society today, she might…might…have been tempted to believe the
    rampant medical atmosphere-of-myriad-beliefs around health….and if she fell for a …situation…..for instance, may have struggled with an aggressive facial cancer or something like this…and if she knew of, and was trying to apply, the truths of Christian Science, and yet her…pardon me…nose appeared to be … falling off…she would be (to me) justified by taking her “problem” in to the medical folks who would do their best to save her nose. (Similar to having a bone set, it seems to me.) I feel we need not be martyrs for our faith, but do the best we can under all circumstances.

    Agree? No? Yes?

    Love you all,


    1. SpiritViewFan,
      Yes, and I’m sorry if I seemed to suggest otherwise. My concern is with social trends which promote anxiety and my primary interest is health. As a society, we are slow to study spontaneous remission and countervailing examples of human thriving where it “should not” exist. The salient feature of my example is that Emma thought she was doing right. She had no reason to experience guilt over her dietary choices, and her understanding of God supported her exceptional health. We can’t reproduce her experience because we have upgraded nutritional information today. I’m sorry if I gave a confusing example. As a certified educator with the Boston Public Health Commission, I recommend you see a doctor if your nose is falling off. But I’m also a person, and fundamentally I’m a reflection of Mind. I understand prayer works and I respect every individual’s choice.

      1. What a wonderful blog today. There is so much mis-information on what is needed to maintain good health. I try to remember that I’m a Spiritual Idea, not a material creature and that God, Spirit sustains me, not what I eat or drink. Whatever is needed for my sustainance is provided each day by divine Mind who knows what I need and makes sure I have it. Thank you Evan, fot these daily topics that help me look at them in a spiritual way rather than a physical one, and thank you to each one who comments .

  7. Thank you Evan – the compass needl of our spiritual health map on the above picture shows always to Bible and Science and Health. And that is our path to health and happyness!

    What a lively, interesting and inspiring conversation today, thank you all for your loving sharing!!

  8. How does mortal mind have the power to “map out the way” of disease?
    I try to realize that there is only ONE MIND (God). But mortal mind seems to
    be always there, arguing.

    1. Hi June,

      It’s important to understand that the term “mortal mind,” is a phrase used in Christian Science to designate that which seems to be, but is not. In truth, it doesn’t map out anything. But in the human experience where humans believe there actually is a mortal mind that plots and plans, it can appear that an influence other than God is “mapping” out a path to walk down. For instance, a medical diagnosis and medical opinion would “map out a path” to death, often. But armed with an understanding of the omnipresence and omnipotence of the one Mind, one can neutralize what mortal mind would “map out,” reverse it, and not go down that path. One can walk down the path of Christ, to Life and health.

  9. I have been thinking a lot about the health of my fellow Americans and how it seems to be getting worse and worse. I want to make choices in my life that benefits the most people. It seems to me that almost every action I take in this mortal experience is a political one, so I have chosen to vote with my dollar. I buy from companies that operate sustainably, ethically and for the “stake holders”, not stock holders. We consumers are stakeholders. I try to support small mom & pop restaurants, farmers markets, and small local businesses. I have found that almost always those people are doing what they do out of Love, not greed. Making these choices, for myself, out of Love for my fellow citizens, leads to not supporting companies who would poison us with unwholesome food additives or chemicals added to other products. It has led to wholesome, organic food for me and, I think, support for a more sustainable, loving society.

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