The Mental State of the Body

July 14, 2014 | 19 comments

When striving to heal through Christian Science, it’s important to understand the mental nature of the problems we face.

For instance, disease and pain feels very real to the physical senses, but experience proves that the sensations of the flesh can be changed in thought.

Jesus Christ did this all the time. With a few words, he changed a leprous body into a clean healthy body, restored vision, cured the lame, and more, proving that the human body is human consciousness and it can be improved with spiritual truth.

Why is this important to understand?

Because if one doesn’t understand the mental nature of the body, he is likely to conclude that an ailment of the body is physical, rather than mental. And he will seek a physical solution, rather than a spiritual insight, depriving him of the spiritual blessing that the experience is meant to give him.

Many, many years ago, I used to suffer horribly with colds each year. I prayed each time, and figured my prayers helped. But the event would recur. Finally, one year, I noticed that the horrid cold spell started when I was feeling down and out about life for whatever reason. I was morally weak. I saw a clear connection between my mental state and the resulting physical state. I was feeling weak in attitude and outlook, and my body’s immune system reflected the same weakness. I suffered physically.

The next year I noticed the same thing. I was feeling down one day, and a cold started in. My colds would not happen on a schedule, but erratically. And I suddenly saw why. I did not have a physical problem, but a moral one that needed to be corrected. I needed to be stronger in the Spirit, and keep my spiritual “immune system” strong to prevent liability to falling physically weak.

When cold symptoms started in the future, I knew it was a sign that I needed to get back in line with Spirit somehow and not indulge any type of mental weakness or despair about anything. And it worked! I found I could quickly reverse those cold symptoms and make them go away instead of allowing them to grow uncontrollably.

My suffering felt and looked very physical. But the solution was spiritual.

“The mental state is called a material state. Whatever is cherished in mortal mind as the physical condition is imaged forth on the body.” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 411.

19 thoughts on “The Mental State of the Body”

  1. Is there such a thing as “human” consciousness? Mrs. Eddy speaks of spiritualized consciousness, spiritual, not corporeal consciousness being necessary and of consciousness not being in matter. We know there is no Life, Truth no intelligence in matter. Perhaps I am confusing “matter” with “human.” What then does the term human denote?

    1. A reply to “PAM.”
      This is just my feeling. human consciousness is an upgrade from mortal material consciousness not yet quite understanding the one and only spiritual consciousness which is the only healing agent. You will find the entire explanation in S&H under the 3 modes of consciousness. I don’t have right now the exact page.

      1. Perhaps Tobias is referring to the three degrees of mortal mind, which begins on page 115 in Science and Health. If this is Tobias’ reference, it is greatly explained by an article titled “Living in the Third Degree”, by James Spencer (CS Journal, 2o13).

    2. In the Lesson ( June 30-July 6 “God” §5) we read: “God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason and conscience…” There’s your answer.
      And Tobias is right.

  2. So true Evan…we need to keep on our spiritual toes! Last night my friend called to cancel our outing due to a very severe cold she was suffering from. She sounded so bad that I dived into a deep hole of sympathy with her feelings instead of KNOWING she couldn’t possibly be overcome by this error when God is ALL good and so is she as His reflection.
    Within a couple of hours , I too had a bad cold…UNTIL I (as you said) “realised the connection between my mental state and the resulting physical state”.
    Immediately I saw that I could NOT suffer from a mistaken thought or the acceptance of a mistaken idea about my friend or myself. Within a very short time I felt fine. ..Haven’t heard from her yet though I expect good news!

  3. Thanks, this is just the wake-up call I needed today. We’re so conditioned to believe that the body can communicate various discordant ‘facts’ about our state of being — as if body were independent of mind. Students of Christian Science should know better than that! Where should we be gleaning our facts but from Mind alone. A favorite Sentinel article called “Symptoms and suggestions” deals with this important subject.

  4. Your two subjects today, Evan: “body,” and “thought,” are…HUGE. of course. Thanks for your humble sharing.

    I went again to the trusty Concord Express on the JSH-Online site to key in these two words for refs in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

    34 pages of refs on “body” and 12 pages of refs on “thought!!”

    Plenty of…”food for thought” here! I’ve got some studying to do, as a seeming “human” with the challenges attendant upon this so-called state of existence…

    And your Post today made me also think about the statistics
    re “physical” problems folks have around holidays, esp. Christmas. Clearly, emotional states such as loneliness, lack, etc., really wreak havoc on health.

    We CAN understand and demonstrate true health, for Life, Truth and Love are impelling this!


  5. Thank you for these important messages Evan. As an active/dedicated/lifelong student of CS, I’ve had many healings, yet a two-year challenge, seemingly associated with the back, has left me unable to walk and lead the life I normally had. It’s difficult to understand what I could have been “cherishing in thought” that would have brought this on, or even if that’s what I should really be searching to find out at all! I’d appreciate your insights, and others, on this.

    1. I would not search for a reason for suffering, for that usually makes the problem seem more real to you, whereas in CS, the goal is to unsee the problem and see what is spiritually true in its place.

      Focus on your real body, the body of Spirit, which God gave you to enjoy. It’s a body of harmony, conscious peace, holiness, selflessness, strength, gratitude and love. There is no pain there, and no lack to hinder your progress. It’s not physical. It’s spiritual!

      1. That is SO helpful and encouraging Evan, …. and others too, with suggestions on the topic of body. We are not guilty! Thank you very much. A new revelation came to me this morning with the story of Paul and Eutychus in the Bible Lesson. It states that Paul said, “..for his life is in him.” It occurred to me that Paul REALLY knew “….his life is in HIM (God)” therefore tying in with the Golden Text, and elsewhere, “For in him we live and move, and have our being:” Again, the spiritual rather than the material must triumph every time. Love and victories to all!

  6. Bicknell Young was an early worker, lecturer in Mrs. Eddy’s time. There is a print copy of his talk just titled “Body”. So enlightening! Not sure where to obtain this as I’ve had a copy for many years and I’m sure others have it. But it’s worth a search.

  7. Hello
    I think sometimes that these physical suggestions are letting us know how we are still tied to the idea of being subject to material laws. We are subject to all of it whether a cold or cancer when we harbor just the smallest thought that we are material. I used to think my thinking caused these occurrances but then I realized the dreamer was telling me a dream- that I am causation of anything. there is one cause only- God. Everyday and most hours I have to anchor my consciousness in knowing this.

  8. in reference to Bicknell Young, I have found articles of his at The Bookmark and Mulberry Press. Someone just sent me an article called The Truth About Body by Dorothy Rieke. I have liked other things she has written.

  9. Thank you Evan and everyone. I feel wonderful reflecting on all of your good thoughts. I think we all are constantly trying to become more spiritually conscious.

  10. The article Trudy mentions is:: Symptoms and suggestions
    Evidence of disease has no legitimacy, and the power of God enables you to destroy it.
    Harriet Barry Schupp
    From the April 4, 1994 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

    It has been VERY VERY helpful. Thank you.

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