No Need to Compare to Others

November 20, 2014 | 1 comment

Are you ever tempted to compare yourself to another? You don’t need to. Everyone is equally worthy, loved and treasured in the eyes of God.

To God, one person is no better than another. There isn’t anyone in this whole world that is better than you, and you are not better than anyone else. God loves everyone the same. And that means all of God’s goodness is just as much a part of another as it is of you, and is just as much a part of you as of another. You are not better than your neighbor, and your neighbor is not better than you.

Whew! Now that you have that off of your mental worry-shelf, you can begin to enjoy who you are.

Too many people spend their lives thinking too high or too low of themselves. Comparing incomes, physiques, status, accomplishments, education, and more are temptations of the devil to drive wedges between people and create feelings of ill-will, suspicion, disparagement, pride, boasting, and other destructive mortal attitudes that serve no good purpose.

The better way is to look at another through the eyes of divine Love and see what God sees, and value it.

Everyone is special in their own way. Mind is expressed in an infinite number of ways, and each way is just as important as the other. Your way is not the most important or the least important. It’s equally important!

“Love one another,” is always a safe and empowering way to live and think. It enables one to focus more on helping others to be all they can be, rather than fearing their success.

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves” Phil., 2:3, NLT.

“Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead” Phil. 2:3, MSG.

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