No condemnation in Christ

September 10, 2018 | 14 comments

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”

~ Paul, Romans 8:1, NLT

Have you ever felt condemned, criticized, put down or belittled wrongly? Then a cure is at hand. Find yourself in Christ!

In Christ, there is nothing to condemn, for Christ is the creature of God’s creating where there is no shortcoming, flaw, or error to point out and advertise.

The Christ-man is the child of God’s creating. He is perfect in all ways. She never comes up short or lacks any good quality.

If you ever feel beat up by harsh judgment, that’s mortal mind trying to convince you that you are a hopeless wrong-doer that can’t get anything right. It’s not true! You have a spiritual individuality in Christ that always gets it right.

Identify with the Christ-man, the spiritual man and woman of God’s creating, and shake free of mortal mind’s merciless condemnations. You don’t need them. You have a heritage of spiritual rightness to claim and live out.

Choose to be free. Choose Christ. Embrace your individuality in God more and prove that the false condemnations are wrong.

14 thoughts on “No condemnation in Christ”

  1. How loving is your today`s SpiritView including the foto; thank you very much dear Evan!

    I love the definition of “Christ” on . 583 in Scienc and Health by Mary Baker Eddy “The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.” It demonstrates Christ`s healing power.

    It does not condemn God`s loved child man but just the fleshly error which is not true at all. We perhaps might only condemn if somebody speaks or acts against God, who is almighty Good. But I just think that there is actually no need to condemn against, as in God`s kingdom there is no fleshly error known at all. So, Yes let us choose Christ and embrace our individuality more and more in God – that is a wonderful spiritual idea to do for the day!

    Looking forward to all your inspired comments, dear SpiritView fans! 🙂

  2. If we are constantly dwelling in Christ, Truth then we are never affected by what mortal mind suggests or says. Harmony reigns supreme when we know the truth about our true identity as harmoniously existent in God, Truth. When we see the world through God’s eyes we only see His goodness everywhere and no condemnation can ever touch us. Christ Truth lifts us higher and higher into the realm of reality, from where we can experience harmony, freedom and boundless bliss.
    Thanks so much Evan for the spiritual feast daily served with so much love.
    Thanks Uta for your lovely comments and we do appreciate your eagerness to learn more and more about the goodness of God. “Blessed are thy which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled,”

  3. Oh yes… I used to fall for that old trick of false belief:
    pointing out all my flaws and errors, or those of others… and then “ragging” on myself, or criticisizing others.
    Waking up from that part of the Dream, human sense is now more alert, watchful, interested more in the truth.

    The knowledge that, in fact, we are “entirely separate from the belief and dream” of mortal mind, is comforting, and powerful!

    Thank You, God!

  4. Thank you Evan! I love the positive view of the relationship of God and Christ as all harmonious and man/woman as God’s beloved image that we learn studying Christian Science. I was raised in a Christian Science family so I was never exposed as a child to the teachings of other religions that teach that man is a “miserable sinner” that needs to be “saved” to find Christ. But when leaving our State Fair last year there was a man with a loud speaker “preaching” to the crowd that we were all miserable sinners destined for hell unless we accepted his offer to “save us from our sins”. And I should point out I had never seen this man before, so that tells me that he must go through life thinking of everyone he meets as a miserable sinner. That attitude to me would be its own definition of “hell” so I’m grateful to know better as the result of studying Christian Science.

  5. Dear Evan – thank you so much for this, it is so up-lifting and encouraging. My worst critic is myself – but now I see “that in Christ there is nothing to condemn” myself for.
    So much love to you and all your SpiritViewers, whose contributions make such a lively conversation.

    1. Thank you Annepat, this way I did not see it, so interesting!

      And, yes, the whole second sentence from Evan`s today`s SpiritView is very healing and comforting. Annepat, you started with that sentence. The whole wonderful truth sentence is:
      “In Christ, there is nothing to condemn, for Christ is the creature of God`s creating, where there is no shortcoming, flaw or error to point out and advertise.”

      But anyhow the whole SV is so comforting. Thank Evan and thank God for this healing blog!!

      Love to all 🙂

  6. Thanks, Evan, and all. Over the last couple of years I seemed to be the recipient of harsh criticism and unloving and rude remarks from someone at church. I felt hurt and resentful as the statements made were lies. I struggled for a long time, unhappy with my reactions, when suddenly one day a few weeks ago my thought changed. I pondered Jesus’ response to Pilate, and saw that I didn’t need to react to lies. I need to follow Jesus’ example. Whew—the bottled up feelings just drained right out of me! Thank you, God!

  7. Oh how I could have used the inspiration in this blog many years ago when I was being falsely accused of negligence in performing my duties as Asst. Mgr. of a large credit union and responsible for the activities of the accounting dept. The manager refused to let me make changes that were needed to comply with State regulations as she was close friends with the gal she had put in charge of this dept. When the state examiners came in to perform their annual audit, they found a number of serious problems (all of which I had been trying to address and correct). I knew at their meeting with the Board of Directors these problems would be blamed on my by the manager. So, I prepared 3×5 cards with spiritual thoughts on them to support me and I referred to one each time a criticism of my performance was discussed. I did not retaliate as the manager had been with the credit union for over 25 years and I knew my word would not take precedence over hers. At the end of the day I was fired on the spot, packed up my belongings and left. However, my taking the high road proved to be a benefit when seeking employment with another credit union.
    I am so deeply grateful for the angel messages that are constantly coming us to guide and protect us. Christian Science is a blessing beyond measure!

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