No lingering effects from Covid

July 22, 2022 | 26 comments

If you have any concerns about lingering effects from Covid after contracting the disease in the past, you can put those fears to rest by understanding your present spiritual truth.

As a child of God, you have an immortal individuality that is always healthy and strong, vibrant, and free of all suffering. This is your reality to claim every moment of your existence! It has never been lost, and it doesn’t have to be regained. You have it now, always have had it, and always will have it.

The sensation of suffering from Covid is a temporal dream of mortal mind that has no abiding place in a child of God. It never affected a child of God, and never will.

In spiritual truth, you are not a mortal dreamer. You are a spiritually minded child of God! You do not have a history of suffering that needs to be shaken. You have a divine heritage of perfection to celebrate and claim without reservation.

There are no lingering effects from Covid in a child of God, for a child of God does not get Covid. A child of God is a consistent and constant reflection of divine perfection.

There are no lingering effects from something you never had. There is only the good effect of God keeping you healthy and strong here and now, and forever.

26 thoughts on “No lingering effects from Covid”

  1. This is brilliant and we can also substitute the word Covid for other false claims of disease and the message is exactly the same. Another keeper from Evan!

        1. Me, too! I substituted adrenal weakness. NO!
          The TRUTH is, I am healthy and strong as God made me!!! I feel great!!

  2. All we or any living being can experience is good because God is good and God is All. We can never be separated from God, perfection.

    After I have learned the law that 2+2 = 4, base 10, I don’t need to carry around all those apples and math manipulatives and work sheets and story problems and math books and tests and teachers and desks and pencils and fellow students. The confusion and fear or disconnected abstraction and ego reaction is dropped, the resistance to learning and trusting and applying that law is dropped. The only thing that I can carry forward from a supposed or dreamed past is the lessons/blessin’s, the grateful certainty in the lasting law of good. Life lives. God is our Life, Love.

    Logically, if people are safe from Covid because they got injected with Covid in some form, or exposed to it to develop an immunity from it, then experiencing or having it for whatever period of time means that one has that immunity and protection from then on. If people can be surrounded by the organisms and vectors or communicators of it in the environment that are labeled Covid and it’s variants, and not be come sick, then they cannot transmit that sickness or a fear of it. So living beings labeled anything in our environment or body don’t make us sick and cannot weaken the protective integrity and learning of our body, The belief of immune systems and immunity is the belief that the body learns and perpetuates that lesson/blessin’ to all the Systems, cells, and community of other specie organisms that compose the human body from then on in every iteration. Once the lesson is learned we can only have good from that.

    If we insist on believing that a dream otherwise is true, then the only thing that’s true about the dream is the truth it points to and the waking from it, the good which is God always at one with infinite Good’s spiritual idea. The dream’s characters, setting, plot, objects, are just messengers of the real truth, Love’s spiritual law with loving the only result and reason. We naturally learn this and earn our freedom through reframing, or rethinking, repenting/correcting our perception and action, of getting back to Love as Cause, and loving as the only experience, expression, and consequence. The instant we accept this, is the instant we are instantaneously and permanently are free/healed in God’s grace. We can only experience and express the gratitude for this grace and the grace that expresses this confident gratitude.

  3. Wow! I am so grateful for this post and the comments as I have been praying about a dreaded appointment today. These ideas and prayerful guidance this morning from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures has lifted thought and expectation above fear. This post dovetailed perfectly to thinking through what it means to be a “reflex image of God”. (Pg 259:16 SH). A definition of “reflex” found as meaning, a natural response of effect from origination, not something we have to “do”, but rather what we “are”. That helps me see more of divine Love’s control over all and has given me such peace. Thank you all!

  4. DEAR Evan – you don’t know how much this has helped me today! I have been severely troubled with congestion in my good ear – can barely hear – really frightened it would be permanent loss as in my other ear – making it especially challenging at work. I’m so helped by this treatment. I’m sharing how I’ve adapted it, to perhaps help others – like it’s helping me!!!

    f you have any concerns about lingering effects from hearing loss after believing you have had that the disease in the past or believe you have it now, you can put those fears to rest by understanding your present spiritual truth.

    As a child of God, I have an immortal individuality that is always healthy and strong, vibrant, and free of all suffering. This is my reality to claim every moment of my existence! It has never been lost, and it doesn’t have to be regained. I have it now, always have had it, and always will have it. [I’m not a mortal suffering, struggling or dis-eased!]

    The sensation of suffering from hearing loss/congestion is a temporal dream of mortal mind that has no abiding place in me – a child of God. It never affected me – a child of God, and never will. [“O dreamer, leave the dreams for joyful waking, or captive rise and sing for thou art free. The Christ is here all dreams of error breaking, unloosing bonds of all captivity…”!]

    In spiritual truth, I am not a mortal dreamer. I am a spiritually minded child of God! I do not have a history of suffering that needs to be shaken. I have a divine heritage of perfection to celebrate and claim without reservation.

    There are no lingering effects from heating loss/congestion/disease in me – a child of God, for I – a child of God do not get/am not susceptible to hearing loss/congestion/disease of any kind. As a child of God I am a consistent and constant reflection of divine perfection!!!

    There are no lingering effects from something I never had! There is only the good effect/the Love of God keeping me healthy and strong here and now, and forever.

    Thank you dear God this is the truth of my being and everyone’s being. I know it and I know I know it! This treatment is the Word of God/the Law of Love and it accomplishes God’s purpose. Nothing can stop God’s purpose/God’s will of good for us!!!

    1. I love your referring to the definition of the word “reflex” as applied to man as being
      “the reflex image of God”, CSWD – that is a good way of thinking of ourselves – that
      we cannot help being as perfect as God if we are His reflex image, we don’t have to
      try, we just are.

      Also, the other day I was thinking about the word “dream” – that we are not dreamers
      if we are the image of God – God never dreams, therefore neither can we, if we are
      His reflected image. And the following Acronym came to me for DREAM:-

      D ivine
      R eality
      E xpels

      So as God’s reflected image, we cannot be mesmerised by matter’s illusions –
      animal magnetism has no power to affect us in any way. Where there is no
      cause – and Covid or any other disease has no cause – there can be no effect.

  5. What a wonderful site that explores and rejoices in the answers. My love and support for this site is beyond anything that is in mortal mind dream dramas!

  6. A lingering effect from covid requiring prayer is our world. It’s seeming lingering effects would be inflation, lack or shortages, unrest; in ways, the collective fears of mankind. The world believes it’s been through a pandemic, part of the mortal dream.
    As children of God, we have never been outside our Father-Mother God’s loving care. We have always and continue to live safely in the Kingdom of Heaven. Our every need supplied by God – the health of our ecomony, our food supply, our useful purpose, our home.
    “In atmosphere of Love divine…..” (hymn 144)

    1. Beverley you make an excellent and important point. I haven’t directly prayed in this way to counteract beliefs and claims of lingering societal effects as you mention: various forms of lack and loss, employment problems, inflation, shortages of needed goods, social unrest, extreme divisiveness and especially collective FEAR.

      You woke up my thought when you said, “The world believes it’s been through a pandemic, part of the mortal dream.” Just yesterday when talking to a coworker I said something like, Oh what we’ve been through. I guess my thought believes we’ve been through some huge, impactful event these past two years. Is that just mortal mind’s interpretation, did something really “happen?”

      I’ve had the thought, if we could only remember the lessons and new attitudes we needed to learn in this time and the rest of it could dissolve out of our collective consciousness and memory, removing any trace of pain or loss that seemed to go along with it, that would be ideal. Then I think maybe that is insensitive to those who experienced sad losses. I need to pray more on this. In reality, what never changed in this period, and what can never change, is God’s constancy and unchanging Love. Nothing can change the facts of Being. Any thoughts?

      1. Rose, thank you for your response.
        I like what Mrs Eddy says:
        This testimony of Holy Writ sustains the fact in Science, that the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness.
        (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 573:5)
        Your question, “… did something really happen?” Yes!
        To some, it has been a time of great stress, loss, fear, lack, etc.
        To others this time has been a spiritual opportunity.
        For me, it has been a very spiritual time of spiritual growth; learning, healing and understanding.
        Regarding losses of loved ones, for those of us on Spirit View that are like minded, I agree with your comment that nothing has changed God’s constancy and unchanging Love.
        Too, I pray to keep my own thought clear that life has never stopped being expressed. (I’m not finding yet, where it is said that after death that one continues what they were doing before death.)
        But for those who are on a different path, great compassion is required.
        During this time, a couple of benefits have opened up for people to stay connected, such as blogs, like Spirit View and Zoom meetings.
        Again, thank you for your response.

  7. Because of a car problem by someone
    backing into it, this morning the words,
    law enforcement, came to thought.
    Immediately it changed to, Law
    Enforcement. God’s Law always
    pure, perfect, enduring.
    It’s not God policing error, it is
    Truth being seen and felt, with no
    Thanks Evan, and everyone.
    Happy happy God day every day!

  8. I should have said, someone backed into the car
    and left.
    Covid, any error can not hit us and
    leave us searching, waiting for an answer.
    Law/God is the answer. Nothing can
    can come in front of, God, Principle,
    divine Law

  9. During this whole period of time, when I heard of someone having the belief of that ailment, or really any mesmeric mortal suggestion, my prayer was to affirm and acknowledge that they are well and continue to be well, just as God made them. That there was no fear in them or in anyone around them or anyone who heard about their “situation,’ because God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of Love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).

    I love the way other commenters have adapted this message to other troubling, false beliefs. I sure have a few things I will adapt it to, and writing it out is a great idea.

    Especially love Evan’s clear statement that there can be no lingering effects from something that was never had. Such a powerful reminder of our untouched true nature. As he said, “A child of God is a consistent and constant reflection of divine perfection.” Very grateful for this message.

  10. Rose,, writing out thoughts of Truth is such a great idea. I do this almost daily and then go back and read later or the next day. It brings to mind how Mrs. Eddy wrote, letting the inspired word flow on to the paper. Then she would read what she wrote and learn from it. We all can do that. I am quite often amazed how easy thought flows out when you are looking for the Truth and asking God for answers.
    This whole blog is meeting a great need for me. Thanks everyone.

  11. Am truely grateful for this utmost comforting and helpful spiritual views, dear Evan!
    “my real, because spiritual individuality has always been, is always and will always be healthy and strong, vibramt and free of suffering” you said, Evan. This Truth is so wonderfully asuring us of our healthy perfection as God’s loved child. Thanks very very much!♡

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