No need for fretting

May 19, 2023 | 47 comments

A blog reader shared with me the following verse about worries and troubles the human mind tends to dwell on.
She found it on Instagram. I thought you’d enjoy reading it.

Don’t nurse it,
Don’t rehearse it,
Give it to God and let
Him reverse it.

47 thoughts on “No need for fretting”

  1. Christian Science is so unique in that it explains how thought and influence work..
    Mortal mind wants to rehearse it and the Christ will reverse it..
    Let Christ be the victor..

  2. Thanks dear Evan, are the 4 lines in big letters the whole Spriritview?
    Then I will ponder it with pleasure!

    1. yes, now I know it is a wonderful and helpful poem – give it to God and let him reverse it!

  3. Thanks for sharing this blog with me today.
    I have been going through a lot of challenges these past months and sometimes being overwhelmed with each of them.
    Now I need not rehearse them, but reverse, and leave it all to God.

  4. Phil. 4:6 says “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, – definite request- with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God” (Amplified Classic Bible).

    This is followed by that famous verse about experiencing the peace that passes all understanding.

    God has never asked us to do for ourselves what She asks of us. We can of ourselves do nothing, just like Jesus. We pray, and God answers. Every time. Maybe not that same day, but persistence always wins the prize. Never give up!

  5. This is exactly why I come to Spirit View every morning. I need to talk with a colleague about an uncomfortable topic and was rehearsing what to say to her, but you just reinforced that the true action is to let go and let God. Thank you! This was the reminder I needed to get out of my own way!

    1. Your realization reminds me of avoiding the impediment in our path, thinking, walking, driving, talking. . . .open the way with LOVE leading the way, then follow LOVE’S lead. . .leave the MIND reading to the Christ.

    2. I hea you about needing to “get out of my own way, Andi” .
      A hymn I often turn to, especially in those dark times when
      not knowing exactly what to say or not being able to say it,
      letting God/Love do the expressing, helps relieve everyone
      of mortal mind’s challenges. God/Mind comes across in
      ways we never thought possible … wonderfully!
      From hymn #454:
      “Thou to whose power our hope we give,
      Free us from human strife …
      And life most sweet, as heart to heat
      Speaks kindly when we meet and part.”

  6. I love this clear and simple way to think about and remember the path of healing activity. Thank you and your ‘fella’ sharer for sharing it!

  7. Along this line, a practitioner one told me this:
    Turn it all over to God!

    1. yes Andrew, your very lovely and inspiring song, thanks a lot!
      I hope I can listen to one of your concerts online in Boston from my home. x

  8. This is like a follow up from yesterday’s blog. After making it around the
    bends, or over the bumps in the road, or other obstacles we sometimes
    Seem faced with, we climb the heights of Mind (where we have really
    already been) into a perfect view, a Spirit view, from the mountaintop,
    the epitome of thought, where our Seeming struggles are over.
    We relax with a feeling of peace, not looking back, not rehearsing what
    it took to get where we are, because in reality we have always been in
    Perfection, but with gratitude that God is in control and leads us
    to beautiful places.
    Like the saying goes, “If He/God takes you To it, He will take you Through it” …
    with Love.

  9. This is a very helpful short verse.
    If we have a physical problem and keep on battling with it, trying to think what may
    have caused it, and then how can we get rid of it, that is like rehearsing and nursing the problem.
    We are fixing it more strongly in our thought as if it were a reality that we need to be
    rid of.

    So that is a really helpful and short verse to turn to and it reminds us that the
    problem, whatever it seems to be, is not caused by God, therefore it is actually
    not real. For God alone made all that is made, and He saw that it was good.
    Sickness is obviously not good, so not of God. So the best thing to do is to deny it strongly, whatever it is suggesting to us, and then turn the problem right over to God to deal with. This is the only way we can be rid of it completely. God will reverse it by His law of Love, and we will find ourselves perfectly free.

    1. These thoughts are very helpful, Maggie, as are all of the healing messages
      being shared here today. A friend once shared an idea that was suggested
      to her, to have a “God box” or envelope, where writing down issues
      that we seem to be having that need to be healed or resolved are put in
      and then left up to God’s way to take care of these burdens that Seem to be.
      I have a little heart shaped box with the words, “Sisters by heart”, that a
      dear friend had given me, where I put these messages. I also have a little
      saying in the box that says, “Let it go … It’s all in God’s hands”. This has helped
      me many a time to ascend thought by letting God take over and the stress and
      worry was lessened and eventually eliminated. Gratitude in conquering these
      issues, even if it seems to take a while, is always such a feeling of elation.

      I have found hymn # 596, also, very comforting:
      “When peace, like a river, flows calmly each day,
      Or sorrows like seas surge and roll,
      Whatever my lot,
      [God] Love has taught me to say,
      It is well,
      it is well with my soul.”

  10. Sometime back we all learnt this lesson in Christian Sciene..Let go and Let God…
    Remember friends? If we let go and give it to God He is the best manager…”If God be for us who can be against us?”
    Here I am also reminded of another helpful quote. “God performs the things appointed for us and many such things are with Him.”
    Thanks Carolyn for your lovely thoughts. Very helpful indeed.
    Thanks so much Evan for sharing those very helpful lines, when we tend to worry and dwell on problems.
    Don’t nurse it
    Don’t rehearse it
    Give it to God and let Him
    Reverse it.
    So now onwards we shall not dwell on our problems and worries, for God our father and mother is capable of handling all our problems and leads us to safety, harmony, happiness and success. Thanks be to the good God. Thanks to Evan and all my Spirit View friends for giving their valuable inputs.

    1. Nergish thanks for your comments. I too love the verse from Job 23:14, “For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.”

      Mortal mind always tempts us to “nurse and rehearse” and overanalyze things from a material perspective to distract us from the goodness of the present moment with God. This kind of thinking never leads anywhere good, it’s a dead end. So instead we “give it to God and let Him reverse it,” and so regain our sense of Peace.

      I heard this in a recent Daily Lift; for healing to happen, “We need a pure thought where God can shine through.” Love that!

  11. Thanks Evan and everyone for the lovely reminder [re-Mind—er] that we can always re-view any material, unpleasant situation or appearance with Mary Baker Eddy’s guiding words: “The calm, strong currents of true spirituality, the manifestations of which are health, purity, and self-immolation, must deepen human experience, until the beliefs of material existence are seen to be a bald imposition, [blatantly obvious] and sin, disease, and death give everlasting place to the scientific demonstration of divine Spirit and to God’s spiritual, perfect man.” (Science and Health, p. 99:23-29). This was the “trumpet phrase” of one of my CS Sunday School teachers years ago, which I have found very helpful all my life.

  12. Evan, thank you for advancing this wonderful memorable rhyme that keeps thought focused on God. And deepest gratitude for your precious leading of this fold,-for providing us with the nourishing spiritual food that gives direction and inspiration to our prayers. SpiritView is blessing us all,… a clear window into the divine consciousness and kingdom of heaven here and now.

    1. Thanks a lot dear “J” for that very clear article; and it`s very helpful. It is just what I needed this morning to chace away seeming mortal clouds. This proves that God is always with us giving us just his ideas we need .
      Thank you Evan for this wonderful healing SpiritView forum!

  13. That simple rhyming poem at SV’s beginning surely rescued me this AM.
    A friend, for some reason, turned viciously on me last eve with accusations re: my behavior and conversations that were not true . The hurt was deep as I
    had tried to help her by doing things for her and encouraging her through an
    illness that hit. She is not a C.S. so my prayers for her well being were privately held. After the barrage of unpleasant accusations my thought and my
    sleep were not peaceful. Then! this AM came the simple 4 lines of admonition
    of 2 “dont’s” followed by 2 “do’s” . This simple rhyme rescued my bad thoughts
    and trying to figure out how to “repair” the friendship. The message was like
    a thunderbolt and has put me on a path of knowing that only God is in control
    of everything. The peace of mind that has come has eliminated any thought of revenge.The fear of no contact is gone and has set me firmly on the path of giving divine Love out to everyone today including the friend. My gratitude for
    4 simple lines and the depth of prayer they opened up in my thought process has chased away all thoughts of “how to humanly handle this.” I go forth with joy this AM rather than despair or anger. God IS in charge and I walk joyfully and gratefully with Him. My gratitude cup is running over.

    1. Thank you Pat for your so good christian scientific experience. It is very helpful to me to know that o n l y God is in loving control of all interpersonal connections!

  14. Yesterday Linda from Santa Barbara made this statement. “We know that one glimpse of the countercurrent of divine Love is powerful enough to dissolve the “blundering dispatches” of the mortal dream” (Thanks Linda).

    I got curious about that expression ‘blundering dispatches’ and I found a Sentinel article: “The Case of the Blundering Dispatch.” It’s geared for young teens but I loved that because it’s clear and simple in its spiritual reasoning. We are all young beginners everyday as we look with fresh eyes at God and His creation. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Rose! What a wonderful and helpful article. Loved the idea of being a detective. Just because something is being presented to us, doesn’t mean it’s legit.

      1. Very true J, I’m so glad you enjoyed the article. All the best to you and thanks for all the many great articles you kindly share.

  15. Thank you Evan and all God is All. The points forwarded today are beautiful. Leave all in God’s hands. God is the only presence. Why worry about nothing!

  16. Uta, there’s a concert today at 7:30 PM, PDT. I don’t know what time that would be for you.

  17. Uta, there’s a concert tonight from California at 7:30 PM. PDT. I don’t know what time that would be for you.

    1. Thank you very much dear Lori! That would have been 4.30 am this morning. But I slept at that time. But Andrew has many more concerts so that I hope to join one of them via online!

  18. Perfect, Perfect, Perfect
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Evan
    Giving it to God will take care of everything
    Once again, Perfect timing
    I really needed this
    Thank you so much

  19. This topic brought to thought an excerpt from an article: “One Wednesday evening in our church a woman told how she was healed of a cold. It was a simple testimony, but she said something that has guided me many times since. She explained, “I LEFT THE PROBLEM BEFORE IT LEFT ME.” I loved that. Even if some symptoms or aspects of a difficulty appear to be hanging on, we can quit fearing them or dialoguing with them, and give full attention to the reality and now-ness of our God-given health and joy. As she went forward—“left the problem”—all the symptoms quickly faded away.
    “Witnesses to God’s love” by Tom Asher:
    Wonderful weekend everyone! 🙂

      1. Hi dear “J”, such a Joy that I just could read this utmost inspiring article. I have the Impression that it is mainly about deep and real Gratitude to God. It is midnight here just now and this article is exactly what I need this moment. God’s angel must have told you to bless us with this helpful, healing and very well understandable divine Truth in this article. Thank you very very much for it dear “J”. Have a very lovely and blessed weekend!

      2. Just wanted to give gratitude , J , as the inspirational
        article prompts. Thank you for sharing God’s Truth.
        Enlightening and I thought so
        helpful and finally realizing, for sure, some Truths
        that have always been. We are constantly learning.
        These articles, along with Evan’s original topics,
        are really influencing in helping to keep thought in the
        right place and that is so comforting.
        A great Sunday to all!

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