Nothing urgent about evil

April 15, 2022 | 31 comments

Have you ever felt like evil was taking over and creating a feeling of urgent need in your life?

Mortal mind may scream, “It’s dire! It’s an emergency! It’s a crisis!” about an evil looming before one. But mortal mind is never a credible authority on any subject.

Mortal mind can always be mastered by divine Mind.

When pressed with scary circumstances, rely upon information coming from divine Mind, rather than mortal mind, to form thoughts and perspective that lead to healing. Take thought immediately to the omnipresence and omnipotence of God to counter any lies coming from mortal mind.

Be wise to not let evil create a sense of urgency. Evil is a lie, an error of belief, a mistaken notion, an ignorance of God’s reality, crying out for a correction by spiritual truth.

Pray to know the truth about God that reverses whatever claim evil is trying to impose upon you.

A sense of urgency about evil, can be quickly replaced with an awareness of God’s power and presence that displaces evil and renders it harmless.

Let the peace and love of God take over your perspective and form your feelings.

Know that evil has no power to threaten life and being with God. God has all power, and this power is present to protect you from harm.

There is nothing urgent about evil. Knowing God is always the pressing need of the moment!

31 thoughts on “Nothing urgent about evil”

  1. Cool image above of the Peace dove. On looking close we see it is made up of people, standing in perfect formation, in unity, the Peace of God that we all are, the one Mind of God that we all share.

    I have felt that dire, urgent feeling at times, that Evan mentions, a feeling of impending doom, even when nothing in particular is going on. A very unpleasant sensation, and error tries to prove there’s something to feel urgent about by concocting some false narrative in thought that can sound plausible. All with the purpose to agitate and distract us from God’s ongoing harmony. Like the magician when performing a trick, directs our attention one way in order to fool us, when the reality is found by looking in a different direction. Evan reminds us, “mortal mind is never a credible authority on any subject,” and we can, “let the Peace and Love of God take over our perspective and form our feelings.” Good advice.

    1. Thanks for sharing this good observation and insight! I have also had these thoughts especially lately with an upcoming trip to the East Coast for relocating and never been farther that the Midwest, so I’m battling these false suggestions and grateful for your insights truly! Thanks so much always enjoy your sharing! Have a God day!

    2. Thank you for calling attention to the image , or I would have missed it and the example that like a magicians trick, evil tries to get us to focus our attention away from what is really going on, which is always God’s love and Truth!
      Thank you Evan! Sometimes it seems like evil is an urgent threat but we can turn to God as the only power and presence. “What terror can confound me with God at my right hand?” Hymn 77

  2. Thank you so much, Evan. Wonderful instructions for a Christian Science treatment! Thanks, too, to everyone else who contributes to this blog.

    1. Agreed, David, a wonderful posting. Evan, much gratitude and love to you, to all those inspired to comment and teach, and also to all the other Spiritview readers like me who usually don’t. I believe that simply reading, becoming inspired and sending out love to the world raises consciousness and motivates prayer and good deeds. A happy Easter to all!

      1. Glad you made this point Spiritview Fan. Knowing that the SV community is much larger in numbers than just the people who leave comments, is inspiring and comforting to me, and I am so grateful. All of us together, wherever we are (geographically as well as where we are in our spiritual unfolding) reading, pondering, feeling united, in God’s care, and putting the principles shared here into practice. Beautiful!

  3. Thank you Evan for a very useful reminder, that we musn’t be tricked into thinking there
    is anything to believe in but God’s goodness, and never to be drawn away by what seems
    to be material situations that need dealing with urgently. This would put a sense
    that we have some kind of personal power to help, and would be a big burden on us which
    God hasn’t put, and also trick us into believing that there is another power apart from
    God who is all good, that can cause discords and dreadful situations.

    It immediately reminded me of Jesus, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he didn’t rush
    to his aid even though he loved him, but stayed where he was for several days before he went to him. He knew the spiritual facts so clearly, that this was an opportunity to get his divine message out to the people. He knew that God didn’t cause sickness. When Jesus got there, even the material picture that Lazarus had died didn’t draw him away from the spiritual fact that he was convinced of – he knew that the material picture was not the truth of being.. He then broke this illusion through his understanding of the operation of the Law of Life, Truth and Love, and raised Lazarus from this illusion, and so demonstrating man’s power of the belief that man is material and subject to disease and death. He demonstrated that there was no urgency in evil because it was just a lie, and
    he showed how to deal with its claims by knowing the Truth that makes man free.

    And thank you Rose from New York for pointing out that the peace dove consists of people –
    I hadn’t noticed. It is brilliant.

    Have a joyous Easter everyone.

  4. Yes, I too love the dove shape made by people!
    This is indeed a very pertinent message..’nothing urgent about evil’.. it totally diffuses any panic or fear about vivid pictures of error that mortal mind would try to impress us with.
    One Mind…all we need to know
    One Truth….all we need to trust
    One Love….all we need to feel
    One Spirit,God….just ALL
    Thank you Evan and everyone ❣️

  5. I meant to thank Rose, and now also Maggie and all contributors for healing insights! What a blessing this Spiritview family is at Easter to all of us whether on our own or with loved ones and friends. Happy Easter to all! Thank you Evan for this lovely home here!

  6. Let not evil or fear dominate or terrorize me, but “the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love, be established in me. And rule out of me all sin (all doubt, fear, dualistic thinking, etc.). And may Thy Word enrich (strengthen, purify, support, heal) the affections of ALL mankind, and govern them….too!

    Thanks, Evan.

  7. It would be remiss of me to not give thanks and gratitude for a great site that really uplifts my day. Thank all of you who contribute your thoughts.

  8. Thanks Evan – and I can sympathise with Rose’s comments. Very best wishes for a happy Easter.

  9. Evan, thank you so much! An insight from your remarks is that the so-called Type A personality is often characterized by a sense of urgency, one based on human will. Spiritual identity reflects peace and calm and the sincere desire of Hymn 324, “Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.” Perfect guidance for me today— and every day! Thank you again, Evan!

  10. Great blog, Evan. Great comments, Spirit view friends. Thank you, Mike, for your insight into the Daily Prayer, made me pray it with much more depth today. That important prayer covers praying daily for ourselves and praying for the world. Easter gladness! Jesus’ resurrection is what we celebrate and that is why we sing of “Easter gladness.” (Christian Science Hymnal, #171)
    “Thy kingdom come,” let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them! (Mary Baker Eddy, Church Manual, p. 41)

  11. Mortal mind would always have the timing wrong: to urgently rush us to be too fast or shock and scare/confuse us to freeze then procrastinate then be too sluggish and slow passive-aggressive. Giving into fear makes one too early or too late. Right timing comes from, expresses and spreads contagious peace that comes from clarity of knowing and living the truth with love, refusing to see oneself or others as the bad guys and/or the victims and/or the complicit witnesses, and refusing to demean or scare others. Fear is used to rush us into only imagining limited false choices between “damned if I do and damned if I don’t, lose-lose, catch 22s.”

    Personality types are based on, or described by, how fast or slow, and how, one reacts when scared. But we can be lifted out of personality when we refuse to be trapped into fear that would make us imagine an emergency rushing us into wrong reactions or deny our duty so we’d delay right action and prolong harm. Fear would mesmerize us into staying stuck. Fear causes bouncing back and forth between too rushed or too hushed or too slow and too slushed.

    Naomi Kline describes the shock doctrine of creating a surprise crisis framed in overwhelmingly very scary terms, usually with storylines already presented so that the targeted, manipulated ones only think that limited way of viewing the shock and are easily manipulated to dehumanize and kill “the enemy”, impoverish and unhouse and poison the forgotten/marginalized/invisibilized or blamed, To criminalize the tellers of inconvenient truths. To destroy the environment, a regenerative economy, a just democracy, and mutual caring. She describes it on the global scale. Imperialism uses that with soldiers and priests and settlers, disease and ecocide/genocide.

    Abusers at the individual level repeatedly jerk the psychological and financial and social rug out from underneath their targets. They use different types of pain to distort a sense of self and time.

    Capitalism involves company owners manufacturing shocks, crises, confusion, dread, poverty, to pit their workers against each other and to use goons or cops or soldiers to prevent unions and safe working conditions with living wages. In the US Euro-Americans burned homes, destroyed the environment, kidnapped children, raped, enslaved, and murdered to steal land and labor for centuries and now do that to refugees/immigrants trying to escape that same terrorism in their homelands. Developers, realtors, bankers, cops, and prison labor contractors, etc. profit from doing that to the increasing numbers of poor Americans losing their homes and employment options.

    Terrorists do that to communities based on race, class, gender, ability, language, ethnicity, religion, political perspective, etc. The war industry and the police prison slavery industry and the fossil fuel industry work together to use terror to interfere with right timing of thinking, for knowing and spreading the truth, and acting together effectively with mutual trust, respect, empathy, compassion, and commitment to the greater good collectively and individually.

    Countries or political groups use false flags (blaming the innocent or wrong people for wrongs) or terrifying conditions or lies and propaganda to rush changes in legislation or oversight and enforcement or a truth-based unfair justice system. Laws, contracts, major shifts in tax dollars and violation of rights and international law , that have been written and bragged about long before 9/11 were rushed into place using terrifying events wrongly described and blamed on some to punish those living where precious metals, methane gas pipeline routes, oil, and water could be stolen and profits could be made through war on drugs and scaring others to rush increasingly more scared people into bad decisions. Oil and gas industry heads have bragged for years about terrifying Russians that once again they’d be the victims of another invasion and mass murder or genocide with the expansion of NATO that had been wrongly used to attack other countries, Using lies and terror to provoke defensive and rescue actions that could be blamed for increasing were and fossil profits in Ukraine as a rushed excuse for destroying the water, air, soil, and ecosystems and economies of Canada, the United States, etc. to take more oil and gas and prevent sustainable energy, water, food, housing, and climate justice.

    The rushed escalation of violence and careless terror act against the thoughtfulness, caring curiosity, humility, empathy, and win – win solutions of negotiation. Peacemaking and peacekeeping take caring and right timing. Patient time to listen, learn, rethink, empathize, harmonize. It is always time to love and learn. To trust God and be trustworthy spreading safety and respect.

    Thank you your perfectly timed reminder I need now.

  12. I, too, feel very blessed to come here for such encouragement, peace, learning and
    sharing such Love, like with the graphic above. Mrs. Eddy’s definition of
    “Dove: A symbol of divine Science; purity and peace, hope and faith.”
    Thank you Evan and All. I love being part of this wonderful community of
    of Spirit~viewers.

  13. Thank you Evan! I also loved Jenny Sawyer’s article stating that we can actually DISENGAGE from fear: “We don’t have to be afraid—in fact, we can actually withdraw, pull back, from any fearful thoughts or feelings that try to rush in—because fear doesn’t come from God. And whatever doesn’t come from God has no substance or authority…. we can disengage from fear by opening our thoughts to God. We can begin by saying no to fear and yes to the stillness that allows us to hear God—and find that the healing, saving ideas that God gives are actually right here with us.”
    (This article is about the pandemic, but can apply to any situation that wants to impose fear on us.) Appreciate all the comments! Happy Easter everyone!

  14. Evan,- your words, and every comment on this amazing blog, have helped to lift a sense of urgency and burden about a situation that has come up in my life. How grateful I am for the spiritual support and strength I always receive here in this precious meeting place! It is a slice of home and heaven for me. Thank you all.

    May Easter bring greater light, illumination, joy, and blessings to the path of each one of you.

  15. Wishing all you, Evan’s family that includes all wonderful Spirit Viewers a plethora of Easter Gladness. Sing with gratitude!

  16. Thank you, Evan, for today’s healing lesson. Whether it’s a feeling of urgency , or of being overwhelmed and helpless, the response is the same. You explained, “ A sense of urgency about evil, can be quickly replaced with an awareness of God’s power and presence that displaces evil and renders it harmless.” We must always start with God and His Allness if we are to gain a healing perspective. My daily prayer is to do this more consistently. Easter blessings to you all!

  17. Thank you for recommending this article. I felt it was specifically written to and for me. This entire Spirit View segment was excellent.

  18. Evan, thank you so much for the inspiration and healing insights that you provide today, and every day on SpiritView! I am very grateful for this avenue which helps to further my progress toward increased spiritual understanding. It’s wonderful! I appreciate all contributors as well. Happy Easter and blessings to all!

  19. Thank you so very much dear Evan for your healing spiritual support with your daily SpiritView! It is very loved!
    Like “Stil Learning” says, thank you for this lovely SpiritView Home; I feel so well with and in it!
    With grateful Love to Evan and to all commenters, and a very happy Eastertime! 🙂

  20. Thank you Evan. Also I am glad readers pointed out your picture was people forming the dove. “…All things work together for good to them that love God…”

    Romans 8

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