Nurture the truth

November 25, 2016 | 13 comments

What are you nurturing today?

One form of nurturing is a mother caring for her child.

A mother nurtures her child by keeping a close eye on all its activities to be sure all needs are met. If the child cries for help, mom will be there. If the child complains of hunger, mother will bring food. If the child crawls up in mom’s lap for a nap, mother will snuggle the child and let it rest in peace.

You may not be a mother caring for a child, but there are likely other objects of thought that you are nurturing. Some may be healthy, and others not so healthy.

For instance, are you nurturing an emotional wound, a bad habit, a negative attitude or an illness? Resentment, excessive eating, pessimism, preoccupation with disease, are examples.

As a devoted mother dotes over her child, the human mind often gives too much attention to mortal attitudes and beliefs that should be starved rather than fed.

If we constantly ruminate over an injustice rather than find our spiritual peace about it, we are nurturing it and perpetuating its existence in our experience. If we keep thinking about what we’re going to eat next, we may be nurturing excessive consumption of food rather than experiencing genuine spiritual satisfaction in the moment we’re in. If we keep examining the body for disease and worry about what we see, we’re likely nurturing disease in thought rather than eliminating it and preparing mind and body for healing.

It’s wise to examine our thought and determine what we are nurturing.

What are you feeding with your attention? Are you focused on the good and healthy or that which is not so? You can make a choice. You do make a choice. Make a wise one!

Choose to nurture the good and the true with God. Choose to side with what is in your best interest to experience.

Nurture the spiritual truth about you and your neighbor and experience more of God’s love and goodness on a more regular basis.

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Phil. 4:8-9, NLT.

13 thoughts on “Nurture the truth”

  1. Thank you for this very important reminder : I could immediately change some of my thoughts, which were not worthy to be kept !

  2. Old saying…Wherever one places their attention…
    That area of their life will grow……

    Good news is discovering the tremendous power we all possess …
    and these are the attributes of consciousness we have been given…

    Let us be at play in the fields of divine perfection

    1. Please know when i say “we possess power” it is meant in light of Christian Science thought and practice…..power is not personal…. All is of Gods omnipotence…
      We rest our lives on this sure foundation
      of eternal Being…..

  3. Thanks Evan. Good food for “thought” this day after Thanksgiving feast! Feeding on the good, the true and the healthy. (=

  4. Thank you for nurturing us and our true identity so well. You are such a great example for us all, your selflessness in doing this daily blog message and giving your life to knowing the truth about us and teaching it! This was a message hard learned for me but very much needed.

  5. Ms.Eddy states, “Stand porter at the door of thought and let only those thoughts which you want to be manifested upon the body in.” I may have quoted this incorrectly , please check if you can. In short, what we think about we bring about! So we must constantly be aware of what we are thinking about. We must change the erroneous pictures and claim the Truth about it! What does God see? God sees all is good with us . God is all power and presence so Love is ever present. We must dwell in the consciousness of Truth and Love and our thoughts that govern us won’t let us down!

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