You are the one who decides

December 29, 2014 | 1 comment

Do other people ever make you mad?

Do you ever feel like a deadline is putting you under pressure?

Do you ever feel like you have no choice but to suffer?

Do you ever feel out of control?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I encourage you to examine what you are giving power to in your life.

If other people “make you mad,” that is a power you allow them to lord over you. It’s a choice you make. They cannot make you mad unless you choose to let them.

If you feel like deadlines are putting you under pressure, that is a choice you make. They are not putting you under any pressure at all. Deadlines are dates on a timeline. How you respond to those dates is your decision. And the effect you feel is per the decision you make.

If you feel like you have no choice but to suffer, that is a choice you make. Likely, some evil appears so large, that you feel helpless, and thus the reason you feel like you are doomed to struggle. But God is an ever-present help to get you out of that trouble. You can choose to lean on Good and work to conquer that evil. It’s a choice you make.

If you ever feel out of control, that again is a choice. God is always in control. When thought chooses to obey God, and not to obey the demands of evil, a feeling of control can be retained. Jesus could have felt out of control during the crucifixion, but he didn’t. He knew God was in control, and that understanding enabled him to triumph over the evil he faced.

So, choose to serve God! Choose to demonstrate dominion over evil. Choose to stay spiritually minded. Choose health. Choose to love. Choose Christ, and you’ll feel much greater control over your human affairs.

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