
August 19, 2024 | 22 comments

The world is filled with people voicing opinions.  Some opinions are inspiring to contemplate.  Others are highly suspect, even grossly misleading.  

What to make of them all?

I find this statement by Mary Baker Eddy instructive on how to classify opinion.  She writes, “In Christian Science mere opinion is valueless” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 341).  Wow!  Mere opinion is valueless….

Opinions are often influenced by personal sense, rather than spiritual sense.  They are typically based on material sense testimony rather than spiritual truth.  They can be the outcome of selfish want, a hidden agenda, ignorance, a limited point of view, even hate and resentment.  

Opinion is human.  Opinion is mortal.  Opinion is always suspect.

Christian Science, on the other hand, is all about the pursuit of truth.  What is Truth? is the leading question to answer.

To get to truth, we must ignore opinion, which can muddy thought and obscure the real from the unreal.

God’s opinion is the one point of view that matters.  And God’s “opinion” is not a limited ignorant point of view.  It is Truth.  

22 thoughts on “Opinions”

  1. From S&H p. 399- “The one Mind, God, contains no mortal opinions.”

    One definition of opinion I found is, “what one thinks about something or somebody; a viewpoint; not necessarily based on facts.”

    We all have human opinions, but only God has the facts, the spiritual facts. These are what I want to focus on to help me tune out the noise of mortal opinions (including my own).

  2. THank you Evan. It made me remember when I was in business I often had to make difficult choices,and I made them based on love for my clients and staff, to follow Principle and do what was right.. When I was challenged by sometimes vociferous opinion, it never touched me, because I knew the source of the decision was not mine but that of God. In this week’s lesson we have “The one Mind God, contains no mortal opininons.” (S&H Cit 20) When we listen, we hear the Truth, and are so guided.What freedom and blessings that gives.

  3. Even a medical diagnosis of what seems to be acting out on the body is just an opinion.

    I was healed of a dental diagnosis concerning a needed. surgery when a clear angel message came to me that it was only opinion, and I never had to have that surgery, the opinion of it and the seeming problem just faded away.

    God’s angel messages are based only in the reality of TRUTH..

    Thank you Evan for bringing this wonderful healing message back to my memory today so I could share it with others of the nature of a most loving God who meets every need..

    Blessings to you all in this wonderful sharing venue, SV.

    1. I share a moment faced with regarding a dental diagnosis, the opinion and decision for implants failed not once but twice. The solution came from the primary care dentist, who provided a removable replacement, which has been used daily for years, comfortable, precise, removable, unmovable when used. I feel blessed by a gentle beam of living LOVE, with thought illumined. Was touched by a monetary refund from the dental surgeon, which I felt was by God provided, I was not involved with asking for the refund, but gratefully accepted what was offered..

  4. Thanks so much, Evan, for reminding us of the need to ignore human opinion and focus on divine inspiration. I can’t watch TV for 30 minutes without being bombarded by big pharma and medical commercials, which attempt to pronounce sentence on humankind. This SpiritView underscores the need to “Stand porter at the door of thought…” by Mrs. Eddy. We need to be ever vigilant.

  5. This is such a great topic – Thank you!! It all comes down to opinions, doesn’t it –
    if Facts are not in the forefront. If thoughts are meant to deceive, they are not True,
    not fact. They can be changed at a whim, and to whatever seems to meet the need
    of whomever they are spoken to. They are misleading. Not the Truth. Just an opinion,
    for that moment. Just an opinion for that particular time, but not based in what is
    really meant, oftentimes.
    To be honest, one needs to be truthful in everything. In being truthful, one never
    has to hide from one’s thoughts, because they come out freely and sincerely. If there
    is a hidden message, genuine thoughts are suppressed. Truth always wins… like a
    beachball can not be held underwater but always surfaces. God’s Truth is always True.
    That is our goal to figure out – fact from fiction. What are we believing in as real…
    imho = Just my humble opinion. : )

  6. Wonderful, inspiration, everyone! Thanks so much, Evan for pointing the way for uplifted awareness of God‘s law in operation, today and every day

  7. Thank you Evan for t his wonderful SV today and to all the comments posted so far. I have struggled for many years believing in false opinions of myself given by those who thought they were well meaning relatives offering advice on some issue. It has come to me I can delete all of those opinions and just turn to our Father-Mother God for the correct and loving “opinion” of who and what I am. The Christian Science Bible lesson for this week is surely filled with true opinions about our relationship to our Father-Mother God. I am inspired to print off this weeks lesson-sermon to keep for a while and re-read every day. Angel messages are always what is true.

    Blessings to all,
    Suzie H

  8. Thanks Evan. I was going to give someone my opinion of their comment – but now I think I will just keep my mouth shut and reflect on God’s opinion instead.

  9. A quote from an article by Anna Herzog back in 1937
    Why does good ever appear to be interrupted in our experience? Because, in belief, we allow scientific, spiritual activity or true witnessing to be interrupted in our consciousness. And that comes about through our permitting the supposition of a power other than God to enter our thinking. This supposititious power influences, blinds, and mesmerizes us until we are confused and filled with thoughts of fear, sickness, lack of love—materiality.
    Human opinion often tries to infiltrate but expressing the ever presence of divine Mind is the goal❣️

  10. Thank you Evan and all sooo much. Truly you were inspired from a higher power to bring this topic up.
    This should be in our Daily prayers. So very needed in the world right now. What is the old saying?
    “Opinions are cheap, everyone has one.” Who or what are we listening to and accepting as real and ours? Don’t be stripped of your divine right to act and think rightly.

  11. Divine right. Claim your dominion! Beautiful statement, “divine right”. You’ve got this! Thank u All for your good opinions, lol. PRAISE God

  12. Divine right. Claim your dominion! Beautiful statement, “divine right”. You’ve got this! Thank u All for your good opinions, lol.PRAISE God

  13. Divine right. Claim your dominion! Beautiful statement, “divine right”. You’ve got this! Thank u All for your good opinions, lol.PRAISE God love u all.

  14. So many times we read and/or listen to “opinions” as if they were fact. Without
    researching what the Truth really is, these could easily give us opinions of our own –
    parroted by what someone else has said, who may or may not have done all of their
    homework on issues. We have to always be so aware of being influenced ( sometimes
    erroneously) by “personal” sense that can be so deceiving and not the spiritual truth.
    Are we listening to what will make our world better spiritually, (not personality) – and
    acknowledging our God-given freedoms and purpose … or are we listening to thoughts
    that may sound good, but in reality are not to our benefit in the long run, because they
    were based deceptively on a lie and can be changed to the opposite. mortal mind can
    be so sneaky in trying to get us to believe in it. Only the Truth is consistent and Always

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