People want to know about your spirituality

November 16, 2010 | 6 comments

I was checking out of my hotel in Manhattan last week.

After waiting in line for a long time while another guest ahead of me sorted out several problems, I stepped up to the desk ready to be gone in a few seconds. The clerk thanked me for being patient and started to ask me questions.

“What are you doing in town?” She wanted to know.

“I’m a speaker.” I replied, while thinking about the flight I needed to catch.

“What do you speak on?” She persisted.

“On spirituality, prayer and their link to healing,” I answered while getting worried about catching my plane on time.

“Is this something you do for a living?” She wanted to know.

I answered, “I travel some around the country talking on the subject, but my main work is my practice back home.”

“What do you do?” She continued while typing on her keyboard.

“I heal people spiritually, with prayer. I’m a Christian Science practitioner,” I added.

“Oh, wow! I get together with my girlfriends on the weekend and we often talk about spirituality. Do you have a web site I can look up and learn more about what you do?” She wanted to know.

“Sure,” I replied as I told her where to look.

By now I quit worrying about catching my flight and started rejoicing in the special moments I was sharing with an earnest seeker of Truth. She was open-minded to spirituality, loved its promise and wanted to learn more. She wasn’t going to let me go until I shared a bit of what I knew, and that was alright with me!

Sometimes God has bigger plans for us to accept than our petty little “Hurry up and get to the next place,” routine. I was grateful for this one. She was a dear and I wish her well on her spiritual pursuits.

6 thoughts on “People want to know about your spirituality”

  1. Such a good reminder that we need to take time to hear God speaking to us to share what we have in this wonderful Science of Christianity. Vicki

  2. Betcha didn’t miss your plane either!

    Thanks, Evan. I love the NOW. ‘S all there really is,
    anyway. Can’t have the past; the future…becomes the NOW!

    Loving your articles!


  3. The Clerk was “not going to let you go..until she was blessed” not unlike Jacob and the angel…
    Jacob not wanting to let the Angel go until he was blessed…
    Thank your for your wonderful spiritually based healings and insights.

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