Prevent transference of other’s suffering

September 20, 2017 | 25 comments

Here’s another vlog I produced while on my Canyonlands trip last May in southern Utah, that brings out the critical importance of not letting other people’s suffering transfer into your experience when exposed to it.

My regular readers may be wondering how I could come home with so many vlogs from one short time away. It’s easy to explain. I felt so much peace and closeness to God on that trip that creative inspiration flowed without bounds. The ideas came so rapidly and easily that I was able to film one or more vlogs a day with little time or planned effort.

This vlog includes a sudden physical healing I experienced that brought the spiritual lesson home I share.

“No transference of suffering”

25 thoughts on “Prevent transference of other’s suffering”

  1. Thank you so much Evan, that’s just what I needed to hear this morning!
    Talk about “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” ! Isaiah 65:24
    As I was out walking early this morning I was asking the question to myself of how practitioners keep themselves free when they are helping others, as I have found that to be a problem sometimes. And I came home and Wow! You answered the question! Bless you!

  2. Thank you, Evan. As someone is caring for a relative, this is very encouraging. I love the idea of man always being healthy, well, whole, harmonious and free. Someone has said to me “dont live in their dream, live above it and know Gods presence.”

  3. A vital truth, Evan, and thank you for the clear and helpful illustration and healing. I’ll be mindful of this in my own prayers and work and am grateful beyond words for all your generous and healing sharings in so many ways, blessing all.

  4. Hi Evan…..that is a wonderful reminder……Mrs. Eddy also says on p. 103 :29-31 “In reality there is no mortal mind, and consequently no transference of mortal thought and will -power……….you are so right, we have to be careful not to have pity, but compassion and see it as unreal…that is why we need to do daily protective work as you said…
    “Get off the track and let the train come thru” as a dear practitioner friend of mine tells me…..have fun and thank-you!

  5. Thank you so much for this insight Evan! I have been in a Caretaker role for most of my life and many times when helping someone, I have taken on their pain and sorrow. Just realized that when I’m taking on someone’s pain, I’m mentally claiming that the problem is a real thing that I’m trying to get rid of and then this real thing becomes my problem. I am so grateful for your diligence in prayer to uncover the claim at the very root of this error. I love the correct starting point of man’s true reality as healthy, well, whole and free. Your blogs and vlogs are right on target and I am so grateful!

  6. This was your very best vlog. So clear, so substantial. I loved it. I needed it. The suggestion of disease and disaster is with us 24/7 in every media. I have never heard or seen so many ads for diseases–cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc. etc. And the suggestion that every storm will be a “Killer.” It is too much. It is a full-time job to keep our thoughts “up there.” Thank you Evan. Please do more of these.

    1. I’ve been feeling that way at times as well Elaine. This morning I looked up different translations of the 91st Psalm seeking peace. Here’s the first paragraph from The Living Bible, and I think the last couple of sentences address this so perfectly:

      2 This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. 3 For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. 4 He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. 5 Now you don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; 6 nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning

  7. Thank you ever so much for this wonderful inspiration, Evan. Sometimes I think others are sort of “super” human, never having any issues such as these because they are so spiritual in their thinking. But then I am reminded that even Jesus and Mrs. Eddy, as spiritually minded as they were, had challenges throughout their lives that they needed to overcome while in this so-called mortal existence. Your demonstration of such wonderful Truth really brought home how important it is to not take in the woes of the world, (for which in today’s world sometimes seem overwhelming), while trying to help hold a good thought for ourselves and others.

  8. Thank you, Evan once again for this great inspiration! I have been doing exactly this (taking in the upsetting trends of the world) and this has been playing out in my feeling very unwell…So important to stay ABOVE it.

    I have listened to this twice now and will do again…very relevant for me!

  9. I so appreciate the pertinent ideas each day, Evan, and this community of wonderful workers.
    Thank you everyone, especially for the love felt yesterday and the encouragement to keep on with all the truths shared, that I have known and loved all my life… regardless the lie that it just doesn’t seem to sink in right now or has been too long. The earth has never been flat!! 😉 Much gratitude.

  10. i declare every single day that God is in control of everything He made. all of the unrest in this world is the work of the devil, constantly trying to usurp all of God’s goodness. this vlog totally supports God and His control of the universe. so much gratitude for you and your dedication to Christian Science Evan! what a treasure you are. thank you for all you do, ruth.

  11. Ditto ALL the above responses. I studied the lesson then viewed the vlog . #26 S&H makes such a clear statement on the difference between the “unilluminated humsn Mind” and “human consciousness ” which is exactly what this inspiring vlog made so clear. Amazing!! Studying and listening with open and receptive consciousness is incredible! Thank you, Evan and all!

  12. Thank you, dear Evan, for this loving reminder! I, too, have experienced this thought of suffering for others, and was immediately freed of pain when this was revealed. We are so blessed to have Christian Science! And thank you for your precious blogs and vlogs!

  13. Today I am new to SpiritView, and wouldn’t you know it ? I am at the right place at the right time! So very thankful.

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