Prevent unnecessary conflict

September 7, 2018 | 19 comments

“I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.”
~ Frances Willard

Some people think perpetual conflict and friction with others is normal. It’s not. Working in harmony with one’s neighbor should be the norm.

Life doesn’t have to be one conflict after another. It can be a demonstration of the one Mind of Love at work bringing many together into one.

With the Mind of Love leading the way, there’s always a healing way to work with one’s neighbor to find peaceful resolution to any troubling issue.

Side with the Mind of Love today and look for ways to turn potential conflict into forward momentum.

19 thoughts on “Prevent unnecessary conflict”

  1. Absolutely true! We waste far too much time and effort in bullying, when love carries far more wieght, and more often than not, puts conflict far to the rear.

    1. Bless you, Sofia, I hear you! That clamour, in some form, always seems to be there, rushing, noisey, pushing for attention, engagement, acceptance as real….but we can meet it with a placid pool of peace, stillness, calm, trust grounded in Truth, faith in the sub-stance of good, as the Master asleep on the boat in the storm. “Peace, be still.” A W.A.L.L. (see S&H 495: 14 -24) gently preventing entrance, entertainment or validation; a cause seen as cause-less can have no effect. “Peace,” See it, know it, claim it, feel it: ” Be still. “

  2. The 2 great Commandments: love God and your fellow man Sofia is correct, but no one promised, easy. Thank you, Evan Another reminder to pray without ceasing——an alert !

  3. Thank you for this message. The more alert we are in our own thought, and knowing that God’s goodness is the divine law governing us, we can express this in our daily life and actions. Looking for ways to love our neighbor, thinking before we act or react helps to maintain and bring harmony to others and to those around us. Sometimes it is seeing our own error in thought or action and apologizing or accepting and respecting another’s point of view even if we don’t agree. It is listening to what God is telling us about ourselves and others as His/Her child and acknowledging the infinite expression of goodness and harmony in God’s creation.

  4. For Sofia: it isn’t always easy, but even if someone argues strongly there is no such thing as gravity, you don’t have to win that argument, you know that he’s held by gravity, even if he denies it. Law governs. And God’s law governs all.

  5. I love all the comments. While preparing the lesson for Sunday, I read Genesis 31: 16 “now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.” This follows along with the thought that God is the doer, man is the BE. We are here to express him, absolutely, He is Love, then so are we are, allowing no space for conflict.

  6. I needed this Evan. I grew up in a family where discussion was encouraged, especially differing opinions. That does not have to result in conflict! It should result in tolerance.

  7. Very helpful. Grew up where there was never discussion. Keep peace at all cost. Not a healthy motive. I am in very senior years and am grateful to be able to share.

  8. Thank you all. Evan re yesterday and wondering how to print, and to print without the large picture, there is no “print” at the bottom, It used to be right under your message, but is no longer there, So, I copied yesterday’s wonderful treatment.

    1. Hi Mary Ann

      Just above where th comment section begins,there’s a row of colored squares with letters, like F, P and icons. Right near the end is the printer. It works!

  9. My husband’s family loved a lively discussion of almost everything. My family discussed but it seldom grew loud. Over the years this has been difficult to reconcile for me. Thank you Margaret for so clearly pointing out Law always governs and is not changed regardless of who does or does not believes it. God’s law is supreme and always governing all. Therefore, it is okay for me to stop, be still and let God finish. Thanks for the peace of this new idea.

  10. I am very grateful for today`s SpiritView, like ever, and I am so thankful for your comments. They are so helpful. Specially yours, Margaret where you say at the end “Law governs, and God`s Law governs a l l!” That is very comforting and assuring. Sometimes in church, with friends or neighbors I myself must listen more to what they say, and, what God says, and not arguing against what they say, although it might not be at all my opinion – just as Margaret says that we do not have to win the argument; because in Christian Science, where God is omniacting, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience and more, His Law is the only law governing a l l – also all our communications with our brothers and sisters in Spirit!

    Oh, I remember a passage on p. 284 in SH which says: “The intercommunication is always from God to His idea man.” So, as I understand it, if we listen to God`s thoughts, the intercommunication with others can only be harmonious and loving.

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