Protection from complaint

April 20, 2009 | 7 comments

Have you ever gotten probervially “sick and tired,” of listening to another frequently complain?

Sometimes, it seems like we can’t do anything about the other person’s negative attitude, but we can always defend our mental home from the negativity and keep the bitterness out. God has endowed us with the capacity to think spiritually and love all the more. It is foolish to suffer for another’s errors. God is Mind, and God is Love. We can claim a Mind of Love as our own, and stay inspired.

We should waste no time regurgitating the grievance or allowing resentment toward it to grow in our mental garden. Keep the ugly weeds out!

When another complains, don’t let their complaining become your complaint!


7 thoughts on “Protection from complaint”

  1. Thanks Evan, for another good reminder. I’m wondering, though, do you think it is possible, when dealing with a complainer, to lift our thoughts to see the complainer as God sees him or her in such a way that at least around us (and maybe even around everyone!) the complainer will cease complaining?

  2. Oh yes, of course. In divine Mind, there are no complainers and no complaints. So, that’s our goal, to lift thought up to Mind where any sense of complaining and complaint disappears.

    Mary Baker Eddy told us that our right thoughts resting upon others benefit them…

  3. Hi Evan, what about when we tend to start complaining about our lives, and we don’t even realize it that much? I consider myself a spritual person, but jet sometimes I complain with people close to me..

  4. Hi Gabriela,

    Gratitude cures complaint! When we are truly grateful for all the tremendous good God has blessed us with, we are not prone to complaining. Also, we see more of those blessings all around.

    Complaint is an argument for evil. Gratitude is an affirmation of God, Good. We all may need to ask,”Do I want to live a life of complaint or gratitude?”

    It takes practice…

  5. Yes, good point. And to “cast our pearls before the swine,” would be to let our good grateful thoughts be eaten up by resentful, complaining thoughts…

  6. Complaints often refer to physical complaints, also. I find it wise to declare to myself that I have NO complaints.

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