Protection from exposure to the coronavirus

April 1, 2020 | 17 comments

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17,18, RSV).

When I was exposed to a deadly chemical 40 years ago from a pesticide accident on our family farm, I relied upon the truth stated above to neutralize the effect of the chemical and spare my health and vision. The words, to “those who believe…if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them,” were my lifeline to God.

As I repeated the words in my mind, I realized that I was one of “those who believe.” I believed in the omnipotence of God. And as Jesus promised, I could rely upon the omnipotence of God to neutralize any deadly effect from that chemical. I found quick peace, and rapid healing.

In praying for safety from exposure to the coronavirus, I find comfort in the same truth. I re-word the phrase a bit with these words, to “those who believe…if they [are exposed] to any deadly thing, it will not hurt them.”

We must lose all fear of the virus to conquer it. This does not mean we act naively or contrary to the dictates of wisdom under the conditions our society is facing. However, there are times when people get exposed to the virus for innocent reasons. They may be taking precautions, but still get exposed in unexpected ways. Most prominently, our health providers are constantly exposed to the virus in their work with patients. So, just saying, “I will stay away from the virus,” is not adequate to bring protection. We need more.

The “more,” is knowing the omnipotence of God, divine Love, to neutralize the virus and render it harmless. As we go about loving our neighbor and helping those in need, we can depend upon the omnipotence of God to protect us in those acts of love, and to benefit out neighbor too.

Knowing the omnipotence of God is like walking around in an impenetrable glass bubble that no virus can penetrate. It will protect you.

17 thoughts on “Protection from exposure to the coronavirus”

  1. Thank you Evan!
    We are all children of light directly connected to God as a ray of light to the sun. darkness,error,contagion has no source and no power to try to terrorize us.

  2. “At all times and under all circumstances, overcome
    evil with good. Know thyself, and God will supply
    the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil. Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity. ” (SH 571). (Marginal heading: The armor of divinity)

    This passage in S&H has been so powerful for me in battling all types of animal magnetism. I learned from my teacher how to really expand my own awareness of the power of this passage to annihilate animal magnetism. First, the references to ALLness lays the foundation — no thing is out of scope for Almighty God. Next, “know thyself” reminds me WHO I am as the reflection of God, my Father-Mother, who protects and guides me. Next, I replace the words ”human hatred” for with the claim, not naming it exactly, but exposing the error of a.m. (animal magnetism). So, “Clad in the panoply of Love, ” no mortal construct of a virus can reach /touch/ affect me or any of God’s children. I also systematically substitute the word Love with each of the 7 synonyms of God, which provides further clarity for me. So, “Clad in the panoply (armor) of Principle, I am immune to Inconsistency, confusion, or human variability.” Another example: Clad in the armor of Life, I am safe from fatigue, lack of inspiration, and vitality.” and so on…. Finally, the last sentence reminds me to hold all of God’s children, e.g., first responders, ”essential personnel”, etc, in this light, knowing for them who they are and praying this same little prayer for them, who are doing their best in the way they know how. with the best of intentions.

    So grateful for CS and the daily outpouring of love from the Board of Directors, the CSPS, the branch churches and the Lecturers who demonstrate such grace and flexibility in these unusual times. This demonstration surrounds and uplifts and clads us all in the armor of Love.

    (Sorry this is so long!!)

    1. Do not be sorry Janet! I thank you for your comment and all you shared. It will be added to my journal that is re-read daily along with many other notes I have written from our valuable Spirit View. Love to all❣️

    2. I will never look at that passage the same again. It is simple and direct in its original state, but adding application to the directives takes it to a new level. Thank you so much for sharing.

      1. Thank you Janet in GA for your inspiration shared. The basis of a Christian Science treatment ((:

        Thank you Evan.

    3. Thank you, Janet, for sharing how you use this statement in your prayers/treatment. I found this definition when I searched ‘panoply’ on Google.

      Panoply: complete protection for spiritual warfare

      We are completely protected by Love (Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit) in this spiritual warfare.

      Thank you Evan for providing these inspiring posts to help quell the fear that tries to take over mortal thought.

    4. Thank you for sharing the details of how you pray with this passage. I love taking phrases and ideas and really digging into them to get the fuller message. Your sharing above did this. I have always loved and appreciated the idea of being in the panoply of Love where nothing but God’s goodness can touch me or anyone else. I appreciate everyone in the CS movement for their ceaseless prayers and sharing –and for loving enough to share inspirational ideas that conquer sin, sickness and death!

  3. Could we ever thank you enough, Evan, for SpiritView, where we can share with each
    other the Truth, Life, Love, etc., that we are learning about. Thank you for sharing the
    inspiration that comes to you each day. And thank you for each comment posted
    here. It is so uplifting to commune with like-thinkers! Hugs to everyone!

  4. Thank you Evan! I like this “The “more,” is knowing the omnipotence of God, divine Love, to neutralize the virus and render it harmless.“ I see “the virus” as nothing more than fear and fear can be overcome because it is proved nothing with the allness of God, Love.
    Much love to everyone! 🙂

  5. Many people do not know what a panoply is or what it’s for. Originally to protect the king in his chambers a guard stood at the door clad in impenetrable iron suit, with helmet of iron and an ax for staying an unwanted guests from entering in.
    Explaining this to anyone fearful of harm, it entitles them to a better concept of God’s Love as impenetrable by fearful beliefs. A panoply of Love is where we dwell without fear from error..
    Thanks to all on this day of progress. Outward news is changing for the better especially in our collective thoughts.

  6. So grateful to wake up every morning to these Truths…to pray with them and know the blessings they are bringing to the world!!❤️

  7. Many thanks Evan, and all commenters – all very helpful.
    I love the idea of walking around in an inpenetrable glass bubble where no virus can reach us – and we can have a huge glass bubble big enough to take everyone along with us who wants to come in. It’s rather like being confident that ” the everlasting arms of love are around beneath and above” us all.
    Also a bit like Noah’s Ark which floated way above the mortal beliefs and everyone in it, including the animals, were completely safe, until they knew it was all over and they could emerge.

  8. What happened to the other Spiritview that was up at 3 am today? I commented and was hoping to share Gods inspiration with others. It was so helpful. God woke me up to share His ideas. Oh well…

  9. Thanks Evan – all measures of protection are so important against this virus – physical and spiritual.

  10. Thanks a lot Evan for your wonderful help to us all in neutralizing the seeming error.
    I love your re-word of the phrase from the Bible verse you mention up here: “Those who believe …if they (are exposed) to any deadly thing, it will not hurt them.” The word “believe” is more than what some people think it is. Believe means “understanding” Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health. That is very comforting to me.
    Am grateful for this inspiring and healing SpiritView, dear Evan! Am learning so much from it!

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