Remain unmoved

May 26, 2023 | 20 comments

I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

~ Psalms 16:8

When we stand with God, we stand with strength.

When we stand with God, we see how events can work together for good.

When we stand with God, fear dissolves, panic shuts down, and peace of mind takes over.

When we stand with God, we stand with confidence. We “shall not be moved.”

As another Bible translation of the above verse states, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me” (Ps 16:8, NLT).

20 thoughts on “Remain unmoved”

  1. Thank you so very much dear Evan.
    Your blog leads us all in the right direction….day after day.
    God, good guards guides and governs❣️

  2. Thank you Evan. I love the second translation that you posted, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.” That is so comforting, and as you said, “fear dissolves, panic shuts down and Peace of Mind takes over.”

    When I was a teenager and would go out to different places and events in the evening my mother would often say, as I was leaving the house, “God is walking by your side.” I knew that meant she was feeling concerned about my safety and perhaps didn’t agree with what I was doing or where I was going. I didn’t pay much attention to that statement. We were not students of CS or much of any religion at all. But that simple statement of truth and her simple, pure faith mean a lot to me now, so many years later. I think it planted a seed for what eventually became a strong desire to understand life spiritually, beneath the material appearance.

    1. Thank you so much, Evan and Barbara, Rose, J and AD. My Mom
      used to say certain Truths also and at the time, they seemed a bit
      trite, but now are so special and often find myself repeating them
      in thought, but now with much more fervor and appreciation, as
      I do with so many other declarations in ways “standing with God”.
      ( Although no longer “with us” and in a different realm), my Mom
      used to say,
      “God, good guards guides and governs” (~Thank you, Barbara!) and
      all the time she used to say, ( ~Thank you, Rose, for the reminder!)
      “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it”.
      (From Psalm 118:24)
      Today I held to the idea of God’s strength, as my lawnmower was
      needing repair when I went to mow and was able to quite easily
      get it in my car, which had been a bit of a challenge before.
      With it being a holiday weekend, I am glad he was there to let
      me bring it to him.
      Another super article, J , Thank You! Love to everyone!

    2. Dear Rose, I don’t write often but I always appreciate what you have to say. it’s very meaningful to me.
      with an all absorbing spiritual Love .

      1. Dear Nancy, thank you so much for sharing your kind and lovely thoughts, it means a lot to me. Sending much love and appreciation.

    1. Thank you so much for this article. I shared
      “t seeing only good makes good seeing “ with someone before even finishing it.

  3. Thank you so much Evan, for this wonderful, comforting guidance, promise, and truth. And grateful too for the SV family’s daily comments. I look forward to reading that article posted by dear J. Love to all always.

  4. Wow, just after I finished my comments on the bottom of yesterday’s SpiritView with greetings to all, wishing a blessed witsun weekend, today’s SpiritView came in.

    Thank you Evan for this very comforting verse from Psalms 16:8 (NLT). And as Rose said, I also love the version from the NLT : I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
    This Verse goes right to my heart. Thank you deeply dear Evan!♡
    Dear J, looking forward reading that article you gave us, thanks very much for it!♡

    1. This is a terrific article, Harmony. Thank you! It is so enlightening
      and creates a perfect picture in thought … contented, peaceful,
      a wonderful way to enjoy our day. As the article confirms,
      ” we have power from God to hold thought to good”.
      It is a beautiful sunny day here, with warm reflections of God’s
      Peaceful wishes to you and everyone … a lovely and harmonious

    2. Thank you very much, dear Harmony for this helpful and healing article.
      It is a healing article to me, as just today two persons in two different situtions were angry at me because according to mortal mind I did something wrong to them. That is totally unjust and I prayed about a reply to them. I did reply hoping they understand it.I felt a bit hurt, but now when I read the article “Undisturbed” by Milton Simon I became quiet and trustful in God’s Love to me and the two persons. I got the healing truth that this one loving omnipotent great divine Mind governs and heals the situations in both cases .
      Before all this I prayed to know clearer that God gives us His ideas, and these give us what we daily need. Think it is from Miscellanious Writings by MBE.
      Thank you all for helping each other!!

      1. There was a time, dear Uta, when I dreaded going out to the
        mailbox, because so much injustice and vindictiveness was
        trying to be real, as mortal mind tries to do, and each time I
        got a letter it seemed like more and more injustice. It
        sometimes Seemed overwhelming, but I had to see it for
        what it was/is … a mortal dream that we awake from and
        truly realize it’s unreality, although at the time, it Seemed
        very real. But it all worked out and the Truth was finally
        judged fairly.
        You may find hymn # 279 helpful. We are all:
        “Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected,
        Walk thou with courage each step of the way …
        Truthful and steadfast though trials betide thee,
        Ever one thing do thou ask of thy Lord,
        Grace to go forward, wherever He guide thee,
        Gladly obeying the call of His word.” …
        I hope this helps with your situations, and as you
        say, “divine Mind governs and heals”. Divine Love,
        too and Love to You!

        1. Thanks very much Carol. You are right that we have just to wake up from the mortal dream that there can be also evel. But the truth is that there can be only good as our allmighty God is the eternal, everlasting Good. – love to you too dear Carol!

          1. Divine Love encircles us all with it’s most special
            and tender care, no matter what things Seem to
            be going on around us mortally, dear Uta. There
            were times when I felt totally hopeless, but had to
            keep being persistent that only Good was/is
            in store, regardless what the mortal belief Seemed
            to be. You know, Mrs. Eddy, too, had many
            trials in her life. Jesus, also, was persecuted
            and how very spiritually minded they both
            were/are. That didn’t make the challenges they
            went through, any more real, but it humbles my
            thoughts and keep Knowing that all Good comes
            to those who Do Good and truly Love God. It
            couldn’t be any other way … ” [God] always has
            met and always will meet Every human need”
            with Divine Love.

      2. Yes Uta, it is a favorite of mine, p. 307 Misc Writings, “God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment.”

        If your peace of mind seems diminished, remember that God provides it, without interruption, for you and the other people involved.

        1. Dear Carol, thank you very dearly for your very helpful comment and hymn! God guides lovingly; oh yes, that comforts much!
          Dear Rose, yes that’s the passage I mean. Thanks a lot. And we can be assured that God’s ideas for us are coming abundantly, as God is eternity!

          1. Awww, Dear Uta, I’m glad God’s angel thoughts were of comfort.
            A beautiful Sun(ny)day today. “This [Every Day] IS the day the Lord
            has made to rejoice and be glad in it”. Lovely! : )

  5. This Evening I got Evan`s SpiritView into my mail inbox. And I read those important, valuable admonitions very thoroughly again. Thank you dear Evan for reminding me so I will print it out and pin it on the wall near my computer, so that I can read it and pray with it everytime I need it, and I do need it !

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