Replace worry with prayer

September 3, 2020 | 34 comments

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.”

~ Philippians, 4:6, NLT

Choose to pray rather than worry. It’s a choice you can make!

Worry is fear that something bad might happen. Prayer is tuning into the Mind of God and hearing all the good things God is causing to happen.

Like tuning a radio to the channel you want to hear, you can tune your attention to the station G-O-D and hear what God has to say! The messages of Truth and Love coming your way will take the worry out of your life.

34 thoughts on “Replace worry with prayer”

  1. Reminds me of the Bobby Macferrin song..“Don’t worry ,be happy.”
    Thank you Evan. I will be tuning into the G_O-D channel as often as I can today and everyday.
    We all have so much to be grateful for , with endless Love and harmony to experience .
    ‘Be still and know that I am God”❣️

  2. I remember being in Sunday School when I first heard the analogy of the radio station and God. The teacher pointed out that you can’t hear the radio channel you want to listen to until you first tune into it, and therefore when you want to listen to the messages God is sending you, it’s important to tune your thinking into Him. I never forgot that – although I have often found myself listening to the mortal mind channels and have needed to retune!! Thank you so much Evan for reminding me of this simple but important message.

  3. While knowing the TRUTH about a situation about a beloved animal in our family I ran across this timely article. Thank I Evan and all who read this Spirit View. Sending to my daughter Kim.

  4. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth
    on me hath everlasting life. John 6:47

    This is on the wall of our church. I’ve seen it
    for years.

    Last night I saw it as saying, hath everlasting,
    sight, hearing, joy, health, security, comfort,
    peace…which would be Life

  5. Thank you Evan for this important reminder.
    The phrase, Barbara included , “Be still and know that I am God.” reminded
    me to have seen it as follows:
    Be still and Know that I am God
    Be still and know that I am
    Be still and Know
    Be still
    Very inspiring!

  6. I love the idea of Tuning In to God’s perpetually transmitting message, on the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no commercial interruptions, no static! Joy, healing, inspiration, the perfect answer, coming in loud & clear forever…as I tune my thought to He/His channel!!!
    Thank you, Evan, and all my beloved fellow listeners: SpiritViewers !

  7. “Worry is being ungrateful to God in advance.”
    I’m not sure where it came from, but I love that reminder to trust!

    God IS in control, then, now, always and forever!

    Prayer raises our thought to the awareness of God’s constant presence and control. It’s always there. We just have to pay attention.

      1. Thank you Angie! For some unknown reason it hadn’t really sunk in to me that other people’s Love for me is still Gods Love encompassing me. Still learning…so grateful.

  8. Challenging day today. Going forward to get it done, blessing all. Worry can be subtle, but replacing it with the confidence that all is good and God is all, will make this day a success.
    Thank you for daily inspiring spiritual uplifting guidance.

  9. We, too, have a potentially worrying “situation” about a beloved animal. Would you be willing to share more about how you are seeing that TRUTH?

    1. Read what Mrs Eddy writes about animals, pg 550:5:7. This truth has helped in healing many a cat an dog in our family! Well worth memorizing!

  10. I love it –the God radio Channel especially since all channels (especially TV news ) seem to be tuned in to everything else but the God Channel! Thank you Evan!

  11. “Replace worry with prayer”
    Thank you Evan replacing worry with prayer. I have heard that saying about worry is ingratitude in advance.
    Thanks for sharing the article.

  12. Wow, is this here a richness of loving, healing and inspiring comments to such a wonderfully helpful and of course also loving and inspiring SpiritView !
    Thank you dear Evan !
    Surely Gratitude for God’s rich gifts to us is the remedy . And to tune into God’s channel in prayer is healing. This Morning , after I read this SV, I prayed instantly, that I want and have to be more harmonious with an acquaintance. Not long after my prayer she wrote a SMS message, that there has to be cleared something between us. I wrote back, that actually there is everything alright, because we both are God’s loved children. She replied, oh then it’s okay. As God loves us and is in control of the matter, I trust divine Love that the situation is healed!
    Thank God for Christian Science, the Science of Love , melting everything away which seems contrary to almighty all-good God! ♡
    Am awfully grateful for this healing SpiritView Blog !!!

      1. Thank you Barbara – you know, that was freeing for me, as I suffer when there seems any disharmony to be. But in God`s everpresence there can only be harmony for His children! That truth is comforting for me. “in atmosphere of Love divine we live and move and breathe” Love U xx

  13. Another comment on worry! Anyone out there remember Jimmy Durante? He used to say “worry is like sitting in a rocking chair to go someplace. You go and you go, but don’t get anywhere!

  14. Dear M , loved your blog. Ellen, because J Durante was zany his wise messages could easily be overlooked. Thanks for this one. Like Uta, I too suffer when there is disharmony among us. It is not easy to find movies or TV with happy endings. Our thinking must override & elevate.

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