Rest in action

August 8, 2024 | 25 comments

God rests in action.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 519

If you have many things to do today, you can do them in peace and calm.  There is no need for stress or strain of any kind.

If “God rests in action,” you can too—as God’s reflection!

25 thoughts on “Rest in action”

  1. When I was Young I had a problem with the windscreen wipers on my car. Ihad no money to buy spares. “God rests in action came to my thoughts and I solved the problem in a miraculous way with what I had on hand

      1. Ditto Barbara UK – Your lovely poem, Ken, is very helpful reminder to me of what we really are that enables us to relax and let God do His work as us, while we humbly reflect. When we can do that, we have no pressures or stress, but joy in doing God’s will.
        Thank you, Ken.

        1. Ken’s poem points to how to achieve the peace and calm we are yearning for, but don’t know how to achieve. My husband had a new replacement part for the lawn tractor, but was worried that he didn’t know how to install it. He was ruminating about this, wondering if he needed a neighbor’s help, or needed to call the repair guy to come out, but he needed to mow that day as rain was coming and the neighbor was not home and the repair guy could take days to get here. I just declared out loud, You are not going to install the part, the neighbor is not going to install the part, the repair guy is not going to install the part, God is. Let’s just see how he will do it, whether it’s you, neighbor, repair guy or someone else. My husband was immediately freed from anxiety that he was responsible. He went out and tried to install it, but it would not go in. There was no frustration or anger but a calm quiet peace. Then the thought came, go around to the other side and pull it. It went in easily. He came in elated.

          1. Ever true power from the one Mind of God, providing exactly what we need to know, when He knows we need it. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and he will provide the victory over evil every time, comes to Mind, so when we obey, it’s proven, done, done and doner! Thank you for your description of when God provides, exactly when we need it.

  2. Should have thanked dear Evan for giving us the initial inspiration – as ever, very helpful and

  3. My Teacher said, Give us grace for today,
    means give us spiritual poise.
    Being poised is to be calm, ready,
    undisturbed, no agitation, at peace, unruffled.,
    harmonious, restful.
    “Undisturbed amid the jarring sense
    testimony .” MBE p 306 :25
    Sense testimony, verses spiritual poise.

    1. Thank you MB for your comments! Undisturbed….indeed! unruffled…indeed…poised to be what we are as God’s perfect, calm child.
      Here’s an excellent article: Undisturbed by Milton Simon. Sentinel March 26, 1955
      “If we can be disturbed by certain circumstances or actions of someone else, then is it not our peace of mind in a precarious state? Is not this an indication, too. that there is need for us to correct our own consciousness until every tendency to be annoyed is conquered? Actually, not the situation itself, but our sense of it is all that is disquieting. God’s man is not disturbed.”

      Thank you to dear Evan for these inspiring blogs! You are amazing!

      1. Thank you MB and Syl for your comments. Here is the full quote that MB mentioned,

        “Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses, Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle,—is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal.” (S&H p.306)

        Resting in action is my goal, because I often SEEM to feel just the opposite. It’s good to hear from Evan that as God’s reflection I don’t have to create or achieve this ability but just recognize that it’s part of my (our) nature to operate in this way. No stress or strain just peace and calm as I go about here and there in the seeming busyness of life.

        1. Perhaps someone is able to put up a link to the article mentioned by Syl, ‘Undisturbed’ by Milton Simon. Sentinel March 26, 1955. Sounds like it would be a perfect support to today’s message.

  4. Thank you Evan. Most of my life I have been told that I am a quiet person and I do feel at peace within but now I know why that is with your explanation today.

  5. I keep this quote from the writings of Mrs. Eddy on my refrigerator so I see it every time I open the door and every time I walk by it: “Goodness and benevolence never tire.” Certainly helps me when feeling weary, when I stand in need of greater patience, etc. Thank you, everyone for your sharings. 🙂

  6. Thank you so much Evan and all for this sweet inspiration .. I was just thinking of this
    very same thing this morning and it is comforting to see in print, with God’s Love
    surrounding us with restful calm. Being retired, rest lends itself more readily and
    resting with Love is really a highlight of peaceful expression…..
    Ken, your poem is beautiful and love the picture, too! Heavenly heights of thoughts
    of peace transcend anxiety that seems so prevalent with all that seems to be going
    on in the world today.

  7. Mary Baker Eddy describes this unity of peace and action as “The calm, strong currents of true spirituality…” on page 99 of Science and Health.
    An experience described in today’s Daily Lift gives testament to how staying calm amid mortal mind’s disruptive outbursts brings healing.
    Thank you Evan for your vital and helpful life lessons.

  8. DB thank you very much for sharing the fully openable link to the article ‘Undisturbed’ that was recommended by Syl. I look forward to reading it later in the day when my ‘rest-in-action’ becomes ‘rest-in-stillness.’

  9. Thanks Evan and all. With a busy morning, I was especially inspired by American Gold Medalist Cole Hocker. Cole said that “God carried” him in the 1500 meter race for a stunning upset and Olympic win. Very calming and centering to think of being “carried” (definition: moved, supported, sustained, etc.), by God throughout our day.

    1. J yes I love the idea of being carried by God. I think this is how it actually is when we let go of thinking we are the “doers” and managers of our lives. Running is about as active as one can get, this athlete was experiencing and expressing true rest in action.

  10. The graphic above reminds me of God’s gentle loveliness being rippled in to
    our reflections. The sun never has moments of anxiety and concern, it just Is.
    Like God – just Is. Water on a windswept pond reflects the action of the wind,
    highlights light, is buoyant, in motion peacefully flowing and carrying it’s endeavor,
    effortlessly, like thought wafting through a tranquil journey. God’s Love gently
    nudges us the same way, always there to guide and help us through what may
    seem like stressful or anxious challenges or any difficulty we may seem to be
    confronted with.

  11. Thank you very much, Evan! I always loved this wonderful sentense by MBE and really used it prayerfully when I needed more peace in me. Thanks to all for your inspiring poem, article and comments

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