See God’s spiritual creation

March 21, 2022 | 26 comments

Do you see problems all around? See God’s spiritual creation instead!

Jesus Christ taught his followers to look beyond material appearances to spiritual reality to discover the truth about any given situation. He taught, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24, NKJV). When sick people came to Jesus for help, he saw beyond sickness to the presence of health, and brought it out for the benefit of his patient. When faced with lack, he saw beyond lack to the abundance of God’s provision and brought it out for all to see. He expected his followers to do the same.

To heal and live peacefully, right where a picture of conflict, lack, or disease is presented to us, we must see beyond the picture of evil to the omnipresence of God’s good.

Practice it! Daily, hourly, minutely!

If you see any form of evil today, don’t consent to the appearance. Reject the material picture and look beyond it to reality with God in Spirit. See spiritual reality!

As you stick with God’s reality, what appeared to be fearsome or scary, will dissolve and disappear. It will become an obvious unreality.

There is one reality—and it’s all in God! Evil is not the reality it appears to be. Don’t be deceived by physical appearances. See what God sees instead. “Judge with righteous judgment.”

Focus on spiritual truth and stay free of suffering. See God’s creation of spiritual perfection and enjoy its benefits.

26 thoughts on “See God’s spiritual creation”

  1. I love this photo, it reminds me of the joy of opening ourselves up to the expansive, sparkling universe as God made and maintains it.

    The statement “do not judge according to appearance” is like the statement I learned as a child, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” If only we’d been taught the full spiritual meaning of this at a deeper level, that “Evil is not the reality it appears be.”

    I also appreciated, “Practice it daily, hourly, minutely!” Sometimes I do need to practice almost minutely, because error gets so aggressive in thought and tries to personalize itself, that I need constant reminders of Truth. But happily, it doesn’t really matter how often we need to turn to it, the well of Truth never runs dry. Grateful for Evan’s clear, strong message to begin the week.

  2. Thanks Evan for all your beautiful healing, and wonderful messeges. We really needs to be reminded of the true reality. God’s universe is spiritual.

    1. Absolutely! This morning’s news briefings would suggest war where there is peace in the Kingdom of God, at hand and within every one of us . . . threat of world hunger where there is abundance, as Jesus proved with the loaves and fishes . . . pictures of disease where there really is health, lies where there is Truth, hate where there is Love, accident where there is God’s unerring direction . . .
      Maker Baker Eddy tells us in Science and Health that “Truth cannot be reversed, but the reverse of error is true.” Today I am taking this mental stand and reversing every error that comes to thought, trying to deny the present reality of God’s allness.

      1. Thank you, Carolyne. I love thinking of the “peace in the Kingdom of God” as being present here and now. God is omnipresent and omnipotent like you have described.

  3. Recently I read somewhere that Mrs. Eddy urged us to do the same thing. She asked a member of her household if he was doing his work. He replied yes that he was. She continued, so when you see a drunk man, do you understand the drunk thought is your own , and so you work to replace it with the truth that man is spiritual and perfect, etc? And then she followed with two more examples of erroneous images we encounter and must correct with spiritual reality in our own thought. By then the worker replied sheepishly, “no mother , I am not doing my work.”
    . I wish very much I could find where I read this. Does anyone know? But Evan is surely right on the mark, and we all have lots to do to correct incorrect thought today, with grand results. Thank you for another wonderful “how-to!”

    1. Hi Linda, this is from Martha Wilcox’s reminiscence in “We Knew Mary Baker Eddy.” In the original four-volume set, it starts on page 99 of the Fourth Series, Thank you for the reminder of this wonderfully inspiring reading!

  4. Just what I needed today, so thank you so much Evan.

    ‘O dreamer leave thy dreams for joyful waking
    O captive rise and sing for thou art free
    The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking
    Unloosing bonds of all captivity! ‘ hymn 202

  5. I sure needed this message this morning. It was just what Divine Love ordered. Thank you Evan!!

    1. Angie thank you very much for this article. The author’s spiritual interpretation of the story of Job was an eye opener for me.

      At the end of the article it is implied that suffering is necessary for spiritual growth. I’ve always wondered about this and grappled with it. I’ve thought of it in a softer way, that when difficulties seem to appear, we can use them as steppingstones to a greater understanding of God and man. Maybe that’s the same thing, Thoughts anyone?

      1. Hi Rose,

        Mrs. Eddy says: “Truth is won through Science or suffering: O vain mortals! which shall it be?” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 362:27–28)

        So I take that to mean that if we are seeming to suffer, we are not in accord with the laws of God, and so it can prompt us to turn to God and find out what we need to know or do to be in accord with Him. Suffering is not of God, because God is l`ove, as we learn well in C.S. and it is not necessary for us to suffer, but if we are threatened by sickly suggestions, we have a remedy set out for us in the teachings of Christian Science. Evan explain how so beautifully and clearly above.

        1. Maggie thanks for your kInd reply. I do believe that suffering is not of God, who is pure Love. The seeming suffering comes from thought sinking into and following the mortal perspective. As Mrs. Eddy says, let us win truth through Science. Amen!

  6. Perfect reflection

    Looking deep into the
    reflection in the lake
    and taking a head count,
    nothing was missiing
    Every cloud, tree, leaf, blade
    of grass,
    every sailboat, duck, bird,
    nothing was missing,
    the reflection mirrored it all.

    A reflection can’t
    delete some objects
    and add others;
    reflection is exact.

    Looking deep into God,
    man is His reflected image.
    Nothing is missing,
    the reflection mirrors All.

    — Melissa Baker

    February 17, 2011 Sentinel
    A friend just reminded me of the poem.

  7. It is hard to look at the conflict in Ukraine without being sucked in and feel frightened and helpless.
    But feeding the beast of error does not help anyone. I always have to start with myself and get my thoughts inline before I can pray for others. It can be a challenge to steer myself away from the hypnotic fear filled error minute by minute.

  8. This morning’s beautiful presentation & development is enhanced by the article Angie shared: the law of God is a refining influence, operating to help & protect, guide us through the maze of understanding, all the way to Christ. The Law of Gid us the “schoolmaster that brings us to Christ” eliminating the mixture of bad with the All Good !
    Now it’s our work for whole world.

  9. Before I turned to SV this morning, I happened upon an article I printed out from an earlier SV and read it. It is called “Our daily identification work” ARTHUR P WUTH. Feb. 1978 Sentinel. Goes great with this topic. Don’t know how to put the connection in here. Thanks Evan and Angie.

  10. Wonderful, uplifting message! I have felt an insistant nudge lately to SEE spiritual reality. I believe it is HERE. Thanks to Mrs. Eddy’s remarkable life’s work, we can look forward more and more to living in this spiritual reality. Thank you too for your steadfast encouragement and sharing your marvelous understanding.

  11. Thank you ❤️ Evan and all. I love the article Spangler wrote in 1947 Guys. Still timely. Is man learning YET, lol ‘ yes, we r. Lovely picture! Onward Christian Soldiers we,love to the 22 faithful followers

  12. Thank you Angie for the inspiring and interesting and helpful article “awakening to our real selfhood”!
    Thank you very much dear Evan for your today’s wonderful and very needed SpiritView! And it is utmost helpful and so healing.
    These truthwords are so helpful and powerful and i love it: “There is one reality – and it’s all in God. Evil is not the reality, it appears to be. Don’t be deceived by physical apearances. See what God sees instea. “Judge with righteous judgement” Am very grateful for these loving treats! Thanks a lot, Evan, and thanks for all the comments♡♡♡

  13. Thank you so much Evan and everyone else! I too am so grateful for these “loving treats” and the wonderful articles suggested.
    Blessings to all

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