See like a prophet

March 25, 2021 | 13 comments

If you’d like to experience more of God’s grand health, happiness, and love, see like a prophet. Be a spiritual seer!

A divinely inspired prophet looks beyond immediate evidence to what is real with God. He does not draw conclusions based upon physical appearances, but looks to the realities of Spirit and then decides what is true and demonstrable.

Mary Baker Eddy has this definition of prophet in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:

PROPHET. A spiritual seer; disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth (p. 593).

Jesus Christ was a prophet. He saw beyond sick bodies to the healthy man of God’s creation. His view of spiritual man enabled him to heal the sick picture of man. What he saw spiritually enabled him to improve what he saw physically.

You can do the same!

We all have spiritual sense. God gave it to us when we were created. You have it. I have it. Everyone has it. So, be sure to use it!

Don’t be quick to draw conclusions from what the material senses are reporting. Put that aside, and reason with reality. See what God knows about the situation. See the spiritual truth and bring it out.

What you see in Spirit transforms the human to a better end.

Be a spiritual seer. See like a prophet. The world needs more prophets of the right kind.

13 thoughts on “See like a prophet”

  1. Good Morning!
    Thank You Evan & Martine.
    Seeing beyond material senses with prophetic conclusions lead us continually away from discordant thinking. Helping, doing our part to bring harmony to an otherwise troubled world.
    Material beliefs however time honored are eliminated with just the right thought.
    After all discord is just a belief.
    Martine, Evelyn uses lots pf special words. Like Robert Peel, she is a scholar. A vocabulary of dimension and depth. Thank you for that article.

  2. Thank you for this lovely message Evan. It brought to thought one of my favourite passages from Science and Health (p.476). “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.” So important to see with the spiritual senses and not the material. Happy seeing to all today.

  3. How beautiful to be “awakened “ to the understanding of God’s ever presence in our lives this morning, Thank you Evan and the rest of our SpiritView family.

  4. David thank you for this information about Ms Heywood, I enjoy her style in writing, as you say : dimension and depth.
    Thank you Evan for this inspiring post.
    Inspired and blessed seeing to all Spiritview fans !

  5. Mrs. Eddy wrote to Mr. William P.McKenzie,
    “It is more important to know that right is,
    than to know what is right.” It is sufficient that
    intelligent Mind compels that which it right,
    and to this end there is no alternative.
    So everyone of us can be at peace, assured
    that right is inevitable, and a thoroughly
    satisfactory plan will be revealed by Mind.”
    Doris Henty

  6. May I share this poem: The Mantle of Elijah:

    The mantle of Elijah
    It fell down to the ground
    I wrapped it round my shoulders,
    And prophecy I found.

    I saw that God was present,
    And with me everywhere,
    A spiritual discernment
    That Love is always here.

    I looked away from matter
    Saw this truth of being:
    All prophecy is NOW, –
    ‘Tis what God is seeing!

    Material sense it faded,
    The spiritual won through:
    God became my only thought,
    And Love my only view!

    I kept it wrapped around me,
    Understood this Truth:
    God is pure perfection,
    I AM the living proof!

    Visions are proof of current reality. the I AM THAT I AM. What else can one see but now!

    1. ONENESS
      ” I kept it wrapped around me,
      Understood this Truth:
      God is pure perfection,
      I AM the living proof! ”

      5th Oct. 1998
      “You are are never trying to get rid of something you have never been. Your divinity is the only fact here, and has never included any sort of mortal sense. Personal sense, being non-sense
      (without entity), does not drop something and find something else. Your Mind never thought in these terms. That which has always lived as I AM never knew something to dissolve or change.

      “You have nothing to do with belief or believer. Man does not live in man, any more than the image lives in the image. Image lives in its Principle, God, and has no capacity of its own separate
      from the Principle. This puts your entire experience out of reach of the deflections of the myth of
      mortal mind. It is your total innocence of the world. And always has been.

      “Your Mind is the dis-coverer: its light of understanding removes the covers of belief from Truth. Thoughts acquaint themselves intelligently with God because they are always God’s thoughts emanating from and as God. This heavenly conviction is always God’s law of Life and Love unfolding as you—as your consciousness here and now. [see Margin note: “Light shining in darkness”]. You are the Light shining in darkness and you have never heard of darkness. Let this be your heavenly conviction, for it is! ”

      Your Mind is the dis-coverer: its light of understanding removes the covers of belief from Truth. Thoughts acquaint themselves intelligently with God because they are always God’s thoughts emanating from and as God. This heavenly conviction is always God’s law of Life and Love unfolding as you—as your consciousness here and now. [see Margin note: “Light shining in darkness”]. You are the Light shining in darkness and you have never heard of darkness. Let this be your heavenly conviction, for it is!”

  7. I was very happy to read, in Evan’s post and in the editorial “Prophecy” from the Sentinel 1942 (thank you very much, Martine) the refreshing idea that we can all think and see like a prophet. The article says that, “every individual has within himself, as God’s representative, the spirit of prophecy—the ability to express the allness and present availability of divine Love.”

    Prophecy here has nothing to do with the mortal idea of it as the ability to predict the future, but to see the present, perfect unchanging reality. The true facts of Being., in the continuous Now.

    Also thanks to Ken for the wonderful poem and M for the powerful quote from Mrs. Eddy’s letter. So much depth to ponder and grow with. Feeling grateful for the abundance of love poured out here!

  8. Thank you very much, Evan for your today’s so helpful and inspiring SpiritView.
    To see what God knows about the situation is so very desirable, and to see the spiritual truth and bring it out is demonstration of the divine reality – so wonderful!
    Thank you all for your comments, for the poem and for the link to the very suitable article about “Prophecy” !♡♡♡

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