Seek God’s plans

March 4, 2025 | 30 comments

“I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord.  “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

~ Jeremiah 29:11, NLT

With God, you have a very bright future!!  

For success, seek God’s plans.  Listen for wisdom’s direction.  Act on what is in consonance with Truth and Love, and God’s plan will unfold before you.  It’s a good one!

30 thoughts on “Seek God’s plans”

  1. This brings to mind the week before last’s quote from the Responsive Reading in the Quarterly on the subject of Mind from Isaiah 65: 24 “It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.”
    ( from The New King James Version)
    As I try not to “outline” the future, but put my trust in God’s plan for me, I have clung to this comforting statement.
    My Christian Science teacher told our class “Worry is a form of insanity.” That will snap you out of it quickly! Our future is in our Heavenly Father. Knowing this in consciousness, where we commune with Him, relieves fear and doubt and brings peace that God is EVER in control and “ all is well.”

  2. I read somewhere that, “Worry is ingratitude.” Ingratitude for all the love and strength and guidance God gives us when we take the time to listen. The idea that I feel ingratitude from God stops me in my tracks every time, saying to me: how dare you not trust yourself to God’s plan? Food for thought.

    1. Beautiful article by Elise Moore! Thank you, “My son you shall have your Chevrolet but I had a Cadillac in mind for you.” (I have watched some wonderful posted lectures by Elise Moore, and I can just hear her saying this to the reader.) Thank you, again, J.

      1. What a clear and present statement, who’d want a Chevrolet if God’s gifting you with a Cadillac. Makes perfect what God has in MIND for man to receive. Grateful that you listen to so many of Elise Moore’s lectures, then joyfully shares them.

    2. I enjoyed the humor in this, J . Thank you! To add to it, I have heard another –
      which states that one has never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. To me, I
      think that means, not to put our thoughts in things material, because they are
      not lasting, but spiritual is the way to live with what we express and God’s plans.
      God is our true Life (Truth, Principle, Spirit, Mind, Soul and Love).
      Also, a cartoon I’ve seen, where someone is entering “heaven” and is told,
      “Actually you’ve had a good life, but you were so busy looking down at your
      phone, you missed it”. There is good that we may be missing by focusing on
      the material, or negative, rather than the spiritual. A happy day to all.
      : )

      1. Thank you Blessed,
        Of course, it is difficult in this present world to get rid of our phones, myself being a quiet prisoner of it, but sometimes we miss the beauty of a smile in front of us, these moments that pass in front of our eyes.

    3. Thank you dear J. I love Elise Moore’s lectures, they are so clear and metaphysical. I’ll print this out to read it later.

  3. I was listening to an Irish friend this morning, talking about worries being voiced and concerns made known, which disquieted and worried others in turn.

    Then she told me her father, from Belfast, has a saying for people at such times “your head is full of wee doors, and they’re all slamming”


    With all that slamming going on, how can one ever hope to hear, “the still small voice of calm”? Hy 49

  4. There is no other plan but God’s plan. We approach harmony when we align with God’s plan for us. That is no that we will not be challenge, but what ever that challenge may be, in God’s plan for us, when we align with it, we will also be in harmony with God’s plan for us.

  5. Thanks Evan and SpiritViewer loved ones. From the quote above, “plans for
    good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” … It seems the world
    throws at us disasters such as wildfires, droughts, floods, earthquakes, inclement
    weather, causing extremes and lack. It seems there are many physical sense
    distractions that would keep our focus away from God’s plan – the spiritual
    abundance of Good, rather than what mortal man’s limited perception would be –
    in an all-inclusive being of Oneness with Father/Mother Love. Perhaps the key to
    “the Kingdom” is appreciating what we have and not wanting more. God’s
    provisions for us – supply our needs with comfort, acceptance, belonging …
    love … and gratitude for all that we have is spiritual riches, that are not fleeting
    and mortal, but what only God provides, are everlasting and are in consonance
    of Truth and Love.

  6. Thank you everyone for excellent food for thought today.

    Thanks Cheryl for mentioning the quote, “The world can neither give us stability nor take it away.” Our inner stability is from God.

    Thanks Leslie for, “Worry is a form of insanity.” So true and great to hear it stated so bluntly to wake us up.

    Thanks Jlo for, “Worry is ingratitude.” I’ve heard it as: Worry is ingratitude to God in advance. Powerful to recognize this when we seem to be slipping into fear and forgetting to trust God, as we are His loved and cared for children.

    And thanks Evan for the reminder that God’s plans for us are completely GOOD, this is His day, and we should toss out human plans and listen…..

    1. Just noticed that while I was typing my comment above, Angel Josef and Shelagh were also typing at the same time. All pondering today’s SV message and responding in our unique ways. The One Mind at work, very cool.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl for drawing our attention to Evan’s article.
      It is, as you say, a wonderful article. Thank you Evan for your
      constant flow of ideas for us to ponder – they ae so helpful.
      – And thank you everyone for all your thoughts and sharing.

  7. When I started my professional career 40+ years ago being just married, two children and moving to a new city, I was “worried” that I would not be successful in the company that hired me, and had no “plan” as to how I would achieve success. I worked with a practitioner and she said “Worrying is preemptively not trusting what has been on the wall of our church from MBE that I read every Sunday – that “Divine Mind always has met and always will meet every human need”. And also that you can make all the plans you want, but the best “plan” is to learn how to listen. You WILL know when the right thought comes along. For my entire career I worked to listen for what is best thing to do next and had a fantastic career, even surviving many many layoffs. Worrying – it doesn’t help.

  8. I would like to add something to my comment late yesterday regarding Chet Manchester. His article “Christmas Presence” includes this statement which I have used daily: “As we cherish Jesus’ life-story at Christmastime, it’s deeply healing to affirm that everything Jesus did on earth, the Christ, God’s eternal Son, continues to do for us individually and collectively: heal us when we’re sick, feed and clothe us, cleanse our inmost thoughts and motives, call us to our mission in life, shepherd us when we’re lost, support us when we’re wavering, love us unconditionally, lift us up when we’re sinking.”

    1. Thanks Laurel Marquart! Last Friday SpiritView had the topic : God is always with us.
      What you said here is very comforting and true that God is doing everything neccessary for us through His Christ, Truth! Through our spiritual sense we feel God’s care. The weekly lesson sermon enlightens our spiritual sense. I’m very grateful for this spiritual fact! 🙂

  9. Thanks Cheryl for Evan’s article!
    Thanks very much, Evan for reading your article about finding deep, divine peace through prayer!

    Never mind that you couldn’t give us a SpiritView today. You gave us such a richness of Spiritual Views which still nourishes us very much.

    Thank you for this SpiritView from yesterday. It’s wonderful to think about it.
    The 91st Psalm came to mind in connection with this yesterday’s SV:
    Verse 1
    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    Verse 2
    I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in him will I trust.

    Am also thankful for all the helpful inspiring comments!

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