Stand on the side of Science and peace

March 25, 2020 | 48 comments

Mary Baker Eddy wrote a prophetic passage that speaks loudly to the times we are currently facing with the spread of the coronavirus.

She stated,

“This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence, want and woe, sin, sickness, and death, which assume new phases until their nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 96).

I interpret this passage to mean there will be a constant struggle between good and evil in this world until all evil is “swallowed up in spiritual Truth.” The coronavirus is a variation of evil attempting to deny the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. It is one of the “new phases.”

As ominous as the virus appears to many today, it will be defeated. God will come out on top and health and harmony restored. However, the struggle to see its defeat may be protracted as humanity prays and seeks the spiritual answer that brings final resolution.

In the meantime, Mrs. Eddy gives us guidance on how to come out on the winning side. She wrote, “On one side there will be discord and dismay…” That would be the losing side! She continues, “…on the other side there will be Science and peace.” That would be the winning side!

Which side are you standing on?

We can choose to stand on the winning side and to prevail with the victor.

48 thoughts on “Stand on the side of Science and peace”

  1. Choosing good; holding thought steadfastly to the good and the true.
    Putting our whole weight; trust, reliance, conviction, onto God’s side gives us victory. “Truth is always the victor.” (Science and Health, M.B.Eddy)

    Thank you Evan, for your steadfast thoughts.

  2. “Choosing good”; “holding thought steadfastly to the good and true ,
    placing our full weight on the side of God; trust, conviction, joy, confidence, this all outweighs error, fear, doubt.
    “Truth is always the Victor.”
    Thank you Evan for your constant spiritual strength you share with us.

  3. Thank you so much Evan for your wonderful Spirit Views, they are so supportive and, like a lamp unto our feet, leading our thought in the right direction, keeping us focussed

    I have been working with Hy 267, initially because of the opening line, “Our God is All in all”
    Each stanza is a delight, to dwell upon and be inspired by.
    The Hy is copied out below for those who may not have access to a Hymnal.

    Our God is All-in-all,
    His children cannot fear;
    See baseless evil fall,
    And know that God is here.

    Our God is All; in space
    No subtle error creeps;
    We see Truth’s glowing face,
    And Love that never sleeps.

    We see creative Mind,
    The Principle, the Life;
    And Soul and substance find,
    But never discord, strife.

    O, Perfect and Divine,
    We hear Thy loving call,
    And seek no earthly shrine
    But crown Thee Lord of all.

    1. I just read this as a random choice last night. I was inspired by the second line His children cannnot fear.
      That brought me a lot of peace.

    2. “See baseless evil fall…” This line struck me.
      Evil has no basis, no leg to stand on, it is nothingness. This reminded me of Brian’s post about nothingness in an earlier Spiritview that came into discussion recently.
      There is nothing to evil, no substance, no staying power. “It” morphs and changes constantly because any (supposed) form or life in it is unsustainable. It’s a blank, a vapor that melts when we hold steadfastly to the brilliance of our Science. We can prove this, as we all know from other healings.
      Spiritual Life, Love, Truth are sustainable by the very nature of unlabored expression, the constant, consistent power they carry. Never changing, yet always new and fresh, God, Love, pours into our hearts the truth that expels error so we have ammunition to fight the falsehood.
      We can take up arms and throw LOVE at this insidious lie about our world. We can collectively turn on the light from the Christ within by letting Truth’s strength shine through us, and brighten the world thought to see clarity and peace. (see S&H p. 295:16-24; 297:4; 480:1, 31-32)
      “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps.118:24 NKJ)
      Thank you, Evan and all the commenters. This blog is a daily blessing.

  4. Thank you, Evan. This quote from Science and Health is 100% on point, and explains the mental struggle that we are facing at this period in human history. And it is in the mental arena that we fight. To encourage our endeavors in that “wrestling match” scenario Mary Baker Eddy also states:
    “Truth is always the victor.”

  5. Just an enormous thank you Evan for these wonderful messages and encouragement. I try to take from our daily news broadcasts only what we need to know relative to abiding by our governments requirements but it’s a challenge to not take in other stuff. So these messages are a real blessing to keep us on upward wing. So very grateful.

  6. Thank you Evan. The lovely illustration prompts me to write and say that a dear friends has told me the Pope has asked for a collective Our Father to be said at noon today …. your blog has a worldwide reach … there will be many noons – maybe we could pray the Lord’s Prayer as we each reach our noon – in solidarity and love.

    1. The measurement of life by solar years robs youth and gives ugliness to age. The radiant sun of virtue and truth coexists with being. Manhood is its eternal noon, undimmed by a declining sun.
      (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 246:10–13)

    2. Gillian,
      Thank you for passing that on. How wonderful to all acknowledge our Father, Mother, God together as the one omnipotent power together with our other sister and brother churches! 🙂

  7. There is no question at all, on which side we c a n only stand as God’s expression – of course on the wonderful and only side of Science and Peace!
    Thank you very much, dear Evan, for explaining us the real meaning of Mrs. Eddy’s passage from SH p. 96 you mention above which exactly describes and shows us the healing aspect, which is relevant for the present situation in the world!
    Am very grateful for this healing SpiritView Blog!
    And all the comments from fellow Christian Scientist are so helpful and inspired – thank you God! 🙂

  8. Thank you so much Evan for your timely articles!
    I have been working with the line, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

  9. These healing thoughts of peace are so comforting. I love the graphic with Love encircling the world with childlike innocence, Someone had mentioned that the word coronavirus comes from the word “crown” or “power”. This ties in with what we all seem to be going through, especially now, with the two forces trying to gain power, with Good vs. evil. As Mrs. Eddy’s logo with the crown and the cross, I feel
    her Powerful words and wisdom are perfect in combatting this seeming worldwide struggle and I am so grateful to strive to learn her knowledge of the Facts. This blog and the contributors of hope and Love are so comforting in these trying times. Your hymn Shelagh, ” O Perfect and Divine, We hear Thy loving call, And seek no earthly shrine, But crown Thee Lord of all” sums it up Beautifully.

    1. Yes and the Bible lesson gives us the true idea of cron, as does our symbol of cross and crown. “20 | Philippians 4:1 my, 4, 7, 8
      my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.
      Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

  10. Thank you, Evan and Friends. What comes to mind is: “Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.” (Rev. 19:6) Singing that today.

  11. Thank you Evan and commenters! What a feast today!
    When I was praying this morning the thought of gratitude came to me. Even as world thought is suggesting lack of health, lack of supplies, lack of knowledge, God is telling me we do not have a lack of health and I am grateful. Each person around the world is an expression of God and does not lack health.
    Over the last couple of days when a thought comes to mind that suggests anything but health, I have promptly said “No” and know the reason why and am grateful that the suggestion dissipates into nothingness. There is no matter, only suggestions coming from a so-called mortal mind and we have a choice to say no to these suggestions and cling steadfastly to what God is saying – our health is and always has been established. Ours and everyone else’s. We were created perfect from the beginning. So grateful for this truth.

  12. I Love Spiritview and all the uplifting ideas shared each day- leading us to remain calm as we stand on the side of Science and Peace. This verse from Science and Heath by our very beloved leader Mary Baker Eddy keeps coming to me, “ undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses,Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle,-is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal.” Pg.306:25 SCIENCE IS Still Enthroned! (Not Coronavirus) Good is unfolding.

  13. Turning to the Bible this a.m. Isaiah 41 onward. I once counted how many times in this Bible section it says Fear not,I am with thee. That
    means you all as well. Thanks again Evan for your uplifting message.

  14. From our lesson this week;
    “To prevent disease or to cure it, the power of Truth, of divine Spirit, must break the dream of the material senses.
    Mentally insist that harmony is the fact, and that sickness is a temporal dream. Realize the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the body corresponds with the normal conditions of health and harmony.”
    S&H Pg 412:16-18,23-27

  15. Thanks everyone for your comments and shared quotes. All are so helpful at this time and we all know that nothing but good is going on in everyone’s home….everywhere. You can’t “catch” anything but GOOD!

  16. Hymn 144 is a comfort to me.

    In atmosphere of Love, divine,
    We live, and move, and breathe;
    Though mortal eyes may see it not,
    ‘Tis sense that would deceive.

    The mortal sense we must destroy,
    If we would bring to light
    The wonders of eternal Mind,
    Where sense is lost in sight.

    For God, immortal Principle,
    Is with us everywhere;
    He holds us perfect in His love,
    And we His image bear.

    And, of course, all of Mrs. Eddy’s hymns are healing prayers of comfort and relief!

    1. Yes that is one of the first hymns that came to me and hymn 324.

      Take my life, and let it be
      Consecrated Lord, to thee.
      Take my moments and my days,
      Let them flow in cease-praise.
      Take my hands, and let them move
      At the impulse of Thy love.

      Take my feet, and let them be
      Swift and beautiful for Thee.
      Take my voice, and let my sing
      Always, only for my King.
      Take my lips, and let them be
      Filled with messages from thee.

      Take my every thought, to use
      In the way that Thou salt choose.
      Take my love; o..Lord, I pour
      At Thy feet it’s treasure store.
      I am thine, and I will be
      Ever, only, all for Thee.

      Thank you Evan for guiding us through this time of prayer for the world.
      Thank you all for your loving support and comments. Love to you all

  17. The lovely graphic, arms encircled the world brought to mind something from a Melanie Wahlberg lecture….”Wrap your arms around the world and tell it not to be afraid.”
    Was there ever a greater need for this idea?
    Thanks, Evan and all.

  18. I woke up very early this morning, stars all shining brilliantly, and felt that an angel message from God was telling me to keep a watch, as Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy instructed us to do. I prayed with the 23rd and 91st Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer for a couple of hours until light began to show in the sky, Finally a clear thought came, that our Father-Mother Love, our Shepherd, needs every one of us. From the littlest bird on the tree and the cat at my feet, to every child, man and woman on the planet, we all are “cared for, watched over, beloved, and protected.” Our dear heavenly Father-Mother needs each of us in His universal family “for His name’s sake,” to be the expressing of His wonderful nature, to fill Life’s glorious, all-embracing completeness.

    1. Love it Carolyne, thank you. The “rain falls on the just and on the unjust” and “God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is”. Answers come to humanity where we are. Thank you Evan, and to all of those for your thoughts ~

  19. Thank you, Evan for your calm and positive message. Thanks to Shelageh for the reminder of that beautiful and appropriate hymn.

  20. Thank you so much dear Evan for the inspiring thought each day, and for all the dear commenters for their helpful and thankful comments. I have found much peace in reading these Spiritviews which counteract the news out there. I too watch the news to see what the government is asking of us and its hard not to see the dire numbers. All of our collective thoughts and prayers do help to alleviate the fear. Another group I belong to had a subject of “Numbers” this week and shared articles. Here are a couple. First one is MBE’s bylaw about numbering the people:
    Second is from Flora A Waterfbury, an article from Dec 24, 1938 Sentinel: It gives new insight into counteracting the numbers on the news. Peace and Love to all:)

  21. Wow, Evan. This is in perfect alignment with something that came to thought recently as I was listening to Mind:


    Marvels, calamities, and sin will much more abound as truth urges upon mortals its resisted claims; but the awful daring of sin destroys sin, and foreshadows the triumph of truth. God will overturn, until “He come whose right it is.”
    (223: 28-32)


    I found it interesting to note that “truth” in both cases here is spelled with small “t” thereby denoting the (so-called) human expression of the highest sense “as in heaven, so on earth.”

  22. Cherishing the concept that God, good indeed leads us in our thoughts and prayers to overcome this world challenge of contagion, I am encouraged by these ideas from Science & Health”:
    Good. God; Spirit; omnipotence [all power, all- acting]; omniscience [ all Truth, all Law, all wisdom, all spiritual knowledge]; omnipresence [ all-seeing, all-being, total closeness, filling all space]; omni-action [all-activity, all-cause & effect].(SH 587:19) (definitions in brackets added to text)
    The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. (SH 192:23–24 (to 2nd .)

  23. this is all very helpful. I hold on to the thought that.a loving parent would never create harm nor let it near his/her children. Love is all there is and the harmony it maintains. God is.

  24. Error is trying to sell its product at my “door” of thought and I’m happy to say No thanks I’m not interested in buying your product.

  25. Love the thought of our world wide C.S. group et al combining in the saying of t he Lord’s prayer at noon wherever we are in this world. Time is only “a mortal measurement” so “it matters not what be thy lot” —or where we are at noon—we can stand united under the sheltering wings of God’s all encompassing LOVE, We are embraced in His protection, strong with that assurance…., thus able for each individual to reach out and send His healing LOVE to all. What a plethora of uplifting, sustaining comments above——–dear Evan,thank you for the impetus you gave for the many contributions behind the sustaining/loving comments building on your clear, outreaching thought, This has given inspiration to the uplifting, loving, protecting thoughts that propel us into so many facets of prayer that reaches out. Thank you all.

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