Do you stand up for your rights?
If you own an acre of ground, and a neighbor decides to dump their garbage on your land, do you stand by and let it happen? Or do you exercise your right to defend the integrity of your property and take steps to protect it from being abused? Most likely, you would take steps to defend the sanctity of your property. That’s what caring property owners do.
The same rule applies to defending the body from unwanted “dumping” of mortal mind.
At times, it seems like mortal mind is busy “dumping” reasons to suffer into our experience. The reasons may come in the form of looming symptoms of disease, unnerving anxiety, medical predictions that cause us to fear for our health, and more. Like a conscientious property owner, it’s wise to quickly defend ourselves from such impositions. It’s important to stand up for our rights!
As children of God, we have a divine right to stay healthy. God created us healthy and designed us to stay healthy.
This health is not a state of matter that can be abused, denied, or stolen from us. It’s a permanent spiritual part of our being as offspring of Spirit. It’s always with us to feel, express, and enjoy without limit. It’s our spiritual birthright.
If we ever hear arguments that would infringe on good health, it’s an opportunity to stand up for our rights; to stay clear that we have a divine right to stay healthy; and to know that God is present to enforce that fact and back it up for us.
Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Discerning the rights of man, we cannot fail to foresee the doom of all oppression. Slavery is not the legitimate state of man. God made man free”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 227).
Know your rights. Know your right to health. Defend it vigorously. Don’t be a dumping ground for mortal mind’s unwanted rubbish. Stand up for your divine rights, and live free.
Stand up for your rights
April 10, 2024 | 20 comments

Citizens of the world, accept the “glorious liberty of the children of God” and be free! This is your divine right. (p.227) – this week’s lesson sermon. Great helpful message Evan. Thank you. X
Thank you for adding this quote. 🙂
Good analogy, thanks for that neede thought
So true! Health is our spiritual birthright!
Thank you for stating that Evan.
Just what was needed for today.
God is Love
I so appreciate your vigorous stand for TRUTH,
dear Evan, the infinite, all-encompassing truth, Truth Itself!
Today’s Daily Lift with Michael Fish (JSH-Online) is also
very inspiring!
What a divine Science this is!!
Not only defending the body, but the mind as well. The negative thoughts that stir eventually ooze out, finding an exit in the opening of the mouth! This morning, after a very restless night, I awoke in a “bad mood”. The dour thoughts kept coming, eventually nearly overtaking me like a stampede! I recognized that I had a choice. I could lie down and be trampled, that being my giving in to the negative thoughts and perhaps even agreeing with the lies, or I could stop, turn right around, and face the raging bulls! I am grateful to have been led to SV at just the precise moment. This morning’s content was my turnaround. Romans 8:5-6 reads:
. “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death,” but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.”
Human nature, so called mortal mind loves misery. As an eternal Spiritual being, my nature is to choose Life. I Thank God for His ever present sanctuary which is always only a thought away, and Christian Science- for my practice.
Thanks for your comments Love, I can relate. I’ve definitely had mornings/days where the “stampede” was seeming to come full force. I love your metaphor that we can lie down and be trampled or stand up and face the raging bulls. So grateful we don’t face them alone but with God as our “shield and buckler.”
Dear Love and Rose, I think we can all relate to some degree with the
onslaught of “stampeding” beliefs that Try to rob us of our serenity. Those
temptations of mortal mind (evil) can seem pretty real and powerful, but
we need to stop them in their tracks as you both have done and see them
for what they are … just negative thoughts that would Attempt us to think
of a power apart from God. In youth, I had been confronted by so-called
“experts” , trying to limit my abilities, but throughout my life, have proven
these restrictions they wanted to put on me as being so wrong and have
overcome and even exceeded them. God’s Love and dominion over these
supposed temptations of error rule supreme and negate their predictions
of unreality.
I heard in a CS lecture that we are well aware of our human rights, legal rights, civil rights etc. but we must discover what are our divine rights, so we can stand up for them. As Mrs. Eddy implies in the quote above, to be enslaved by false beliefs about a changing, unstable material body is not the legitimate state of the children of God.
I read somewhere that Health is not a quality of matter it is a quality of Mind.
In last week’s Lesson is one of the more arresting lines in Science and Health: “Health is not a condition of matter but of Mind; nor can the material senses bear reliable testimony on the subject of health,” (Page 120) For a few years this has been my “go to” when the body tries to report to me how healthy I am. Thinking of the inability of the body (“material sense”) to tell me how I’m doing is a comfort and reminder of where we live–in thought, in Mind, in Spirit, in the permanent Kingdom of Heaven, As MBE puts it in her clarification of the 23rd Psalm, we “dwell in the house (the consciousness) of (Love). If we are not made of “brain, blood, bones and other material elements” then we are truly “not material but spiritual, ” as the Scientific Statement of Being asserts. Pretty sturdy stuff.
Thank you, Evan, for this Truth – the divine right to stay as God created us .. healthy
and free from dis ease of any sort. To echo this thought, Mrs. Eddy writes (S&H, pg 96):
“This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one
side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and
peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence,
want and woe, sin, sickness and death, which assume new phases until their
nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when
all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth”.
Thank you, Evan.
“Destroying the illusion of disease” by Corinne Jane Teeter:
A spiritual idea (that’s us) has not a single element of error…
From our textbook p 463:12-13.
Also love reminding self to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ.
Hello, Evan. As I’ve stated on this forum on other occasions, I’m not one of your true believers who validates everything you share with us. In fact, I merely started reading your daily postings for the practical application they provide for handling daily challenges in a positive way. I appreciate the fact that you can connect with somewhat of a skeptic like me, and sometimes I even start to feel the underlying spirituality of your narratives.
Hi Cynthia,
It’s nice to have you as a reader. I hope you continue to find useful ideas! Thanks.
Dear Evan. When I read todays SPIRITVIEW in the middle of the night I immediately recognized how much I needed it and it has been playing on me ever since Thankyou so much!!!
Thank you very much dear Evan. Your following passage touched me immediately, namely “As children of God, we have a divine right to stay healthy. God created us healthy and designed us to s t a y healthy.”
That’s a very comforting divine truth!
But indeed, your whole today’s SpiritView is absolute worth pondering more deeply.
whether you follow CS or not Spirit View is just that and can lift your thoughts to a higher level which benefits all.I love CS but there are some things I am unsure about. Nevertheless there is often a jewel in the narrative that stands out and which elevates and comforts. How valuable the post are and the comments.