Stay awake to reality

December 20, 2017 | 26 comments

I was sitting in a chair reading a book with one of my legs crossed under the other. When I stood to walk I about fell on my nose for one of my legs had fallen asleep and refused to move.

I stood in place for a few moments while waiting to regain sensitivity in my leg, and then slowly paced my way across the room until I was walking normally.

While pacing my steps to compensate for the uncooperative leg, I thought, “This is the type of movement that happens in our life when our thought falls asleep. We get slowed down, feel burdened, heavy and become unproductive.”

It was a lesson to grow with, I thought. Don’t let your thinking fall asleep if you want to stay active and productive.

Thought falls asleep when it gets engrossed in materialism. The matter-centered thought loses track of God, gets caught up into self and inevitably feels distanced and remote from God’s love and care.

The wiser way is to stay awake to spiritual reality, to stay engaged with spiritual sense. To know God’s presence and to stay conscious of all the different ways one reflects God’s presence as a child of God, is to stay alert to what matters most.

When we are awake to Truth, we are in a healthy, productive, active and strong state. We are feeling our spiritual selfhood with God and experiencing the presence of Love. It’s the best place to be.

Jesus said, “Stay alert; be in prayer so you don’t wander into temptation without even knowing you’re in danger. There is a part of you that is eager, ready for anything in God. But there’s another part that’s as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire” Matthew 26:41, The Message.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “If it becomes necessary to startle mortal mind to break its dream of suffering, vehemently tell your patient that he must awake. Turn his gaze from the false evidence of the senses to the harmonious facts of Soul and immortal being” Science and Health, p. 420.

Stay awake to reality!

26 thoughts on “Stay awake to reality”

  1. Yes Shelagh – for me too! Good strong message. The thought came to me ‘O dreamer leave thy dreams for joyful waking’. I was feeling a bit sluggish this morning so it’s time to wake up to that spiritual reality! Thanks for this timely message Evan.

  2. A very timely message, Evan. It is so easy to get so caught up in the bustle of pre-Christmas preparations and that one may not always stay awake and alert to remembering and experiencing the Christ-Love and Truth that are the centre of Christmas.

    Many thanks for all your spiritual messages.

  3. I looked up the Matthew quote. It’s the Message translation of “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,” — said in the garden of Gethsemane!
    So yesterday’s and today’s SpiritViews link: “This is God’s will that I live and thrive in Spirit.”
    There is no other fate BUT rousing for the lazy-old-dog-flesh-belief– cloaking a hatred of Christ, of Jesus’ self-sacrificing love — and the sooner we’re roused the better!

  4. I never cease to be amazed how you are able to find a spiritual message in absolutely everything Evan!!! This is what practitioners call “keeping up there” I think?

  5. Perfect, just what I needed to hear. We are awake, receptive, and moving forward as an expression of an ever-active divine Mind.

  6. When curiosity
    and discipline
    meet and make
    merry with a
    Loving heart
    and a mind
    dedicated to
    higher thought….
    The door appears,
    Love is the key
    The mind finds
    Peace and fulfillment,
    as it prepares for
    the next round
    of intrigue….

  7. Excellent! Thanks so much. I think this being “awake” could also apply to blindly believing what either political party says is “truth” and not being alert to doing our own reading and research on both sides of an issue — something that is critically important these days to preserve our democracy for everyone.

  8. Is this perfect or what? Evan you are always so right on. I know what a difference it makes if I’m anxious or angry or whatever to turn to God and feel his love and know his presence. The error dissapates and I can go on with my day refreshed.
    I enjoy reading everyone’s inspiring comments. Merry Christmas to you all!!

  9. Dear dear Evan and the SpiritView Family, Thank you Evan for every single thought you present to us, which helps keep our thought in the “upper chamber” of Spirit and out of a matter based, mortal, untrue arena!!!! I feel such Gratitude for Christian Science, the promised comforter for our world; available to All God’s children. You help the whole world with your Daily nourishment of Spitit, Truth and Love dear Evan and the wonderful SpiritView Family also sends much Love out through their comments, which are so helpful.
    I am off to spend Christmas with my daughter in CO but wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE, before leaving❤️ caydee

  10. Thank you Evan. So grateful for Spirit View and all who take the time to comment. Coming here is a highlight to my day. A blessed Merry Christmas to all.

  11. Thanks for the inspired thoughts from everyone. It always brings a lift to my day, no matter what “time” of day it is. A blessed and merry Christmas to all!

  12. The matthew message of Jesus is so true – yes let`s wake up to Truth feeling our spiritual selfhood with God – the most desirable state of being. I love Mrs. Eddy`s so strong and clear sentence from SH, very helpful. Thank you dear Evan for the “wake up”-SpiritView!

    Thank you dear SpiritView family for your so loving and inspired and lively comments – very comforting 🙂

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