Stay on the Housetop

November 10, 2014 | 11 comments

The new book published in 2013, “We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Volume II,” is filled with a multitude of new insights into how Eddy learned and practiced Christian Science. It’s a fascinating read into the inner workings of her household and metaphysical instruction she gave staff who worked along her side.

Lida Fitzpatrick took prolific notes of specific spiritual instruction she received for maintaining her “Watch,” in the home.

On page 118, she quotes Eddy:

“The world is to us as we see it. The five senses (material) are lies and can only repeat lies; now rise above them to Spirit—the real. That is where health is and freedom from limitation. The lies will disperse as we have seen the clouds disappear; there is no such thing. God is all. You do not have to delve into matter, the body, to know how things are; Spirit shows us things as they are.”

“Keep your thought up there—this will heal. It is all that is necessary.”

“When you are ‘on the housetop do not go down into the house to take anything out’ ” [see Matthew 24:17].

I find this a useful reminder that all the knowledge we could ever gain about ourselves is found in Spirit, not in the body. We must let Truth lift our thought to Spirit, and then stay there! And not be tempted to think we need to go back down into the material sense of body to learn something more. We are not there, in matter. We live in Spirit as God’s image. And that’s where we’ll always feel our best–up on the “housetop!”

11 thoughts on “Stay on the Housetop”

  1. Your “stay on the housetop” post is deeply inspiring. Also, it makes me chuckle to compare the title with your recent post, “Stuck on the Roof” — from the divinely metaphysical to the sublimely practical!

  2. Spot on! This is wonderful, Evan. We are NEVER going to find health in the human body, are we? It has to be based on a a Spirit-perspective. I love this “You do not have to delve into matter, the body, to know how things are; Spirit shows us things as they are.” What clarity!

  3. What a perfect thought to start the week! This really is an answer to discouragement, fear and sadness. Thank you once again for providing this wonderful blog and bringing light into my day!

  4. wow that is an amazing reminder, takes me back to a faithful childhood of which I’ve let some good parts slip away! I want to read that book!

  5. I am in the mist of working out a law problem that has to do with my health aides. Can a material law take away my Heath aides, or is the spiritual law powerful enough to override the law based on a material premise. I say “ABSOLUTELY NOT.”

  6. Just wonderful!..Love this..I really needed this Evan!!!..with deepest gratitude for this reminder to not delve into matter to solve a problem..but to rise above it..on that rooftop!
    I had been, in the notion, that I really still needed or required some metaphysical idea like the S&H or my notes on it & other works near me, every time I left the house. I’ve been working out a large error over the course of a couple years so I’ve been reading and studying M.B.E writings and the Bible for some time now. Healing is coming, but very slow. My gratitude knows no bounds..character traits have been healed, physical pain demonstrated! I’ve learned so much patience in this process and came so close twice to what I thought was a total demonstration but upon waking a few days later this lie of matter seems as real as before. So I’ve been like a pendulum, swinging, seemingly back and forth!
    So, reading this blog, today really seemed awakening!!…Why do you think Good and light- filled messages SEEM to fade after awhile? Am I not reading them with spiritual sense? this is is why they seem to escape? Can one try “to hard” to demonstrate a healing?, too much?

    My practitioner had always said, just to ask God, but sometimes no answer comes. At other times it’s the most beautiful peaceful experience! feel that light of God! His warm presence is so peaceful! My quest in life is to live as close to that Christ ideal and Mary Baker Eddy’s as possible. They “so” lived the Truth!!…I’m reaching for this type of presence each day and praying for this wonderful world of ours to ..LIVE LOVE and BE LOVE! And to stay “in” that LOVE!
    I’m so grateful that this resource that you provide is here!..I’ve learned so much..Thanks! And thanks for all those wonderful comments that are shared here! Thankful!…God Bless all! : )

  7. Thank you, Evan—Grace said it (above) exactly as I felt. Stop delving into matter to check and see how things are! Rise to that spiritual plane where only God talks to us and that’s all we hear. How matter loves to make noise and distract us. My ladder of thought is out and I am climbing upward, enveloped in spirit, God’s love. Thank you, all.

  8. Great comments, S-V friends! Great article, Evan!

    Yes, to Truth there is no up–down–over-there–underneath–etc. Webster defines
    “all” as “nothing else but.” Great for thinking about God…there is NOTHING ELSE BUT

    Also, been thinking about true body as the embodiment of ideas. No matter-body there, huh.

    Love to you all,


    1. Thank you Evan and all contributors! Great food for thought!

      I read an account of a practitioner that has always stayed with me in regard to not looking to matter for validation when seeking healing through Christian Science. It can be read via the link below. This is a relatively long (but wonderful) article, and the story I’m referring to is the “Quit peeking dear!” story (Daniel Jensen was a C.S.B. from the San Francisco area).

      This story is also referenced n a blog by Michelle Nanouche, C.S.B., here:

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