Absolutely, always responsive to the protection of Truth’s angels unfolding heavenly ordered lives. Thank You Evans. Our daily grace and morning prayers already included that protective garment or armour of wisdom.
I am so grateful for our Christian Science lesson sermons, the Lord’s Prayer with Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual interpretation, CS daily prayer and the 91st psalm- which are my favorite ways to start the day! The uplift, guidance and protection these bring are spiritual armor and I don’t leave home without them!
Yes absolutely May Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind and Govern them, the result we see is Love reflected in love and God’s Allness of goodness reflecting upon everyone and everything we interact with, daily. I am so grateful for our Christian Scientist morning prayers with deep, breadth, height and might of Infinite Divine Love effectively manifested.
Absolutely, always responsive to the protection of Truth’s angels unfolding heavenly ordered lives. Thank You Evans. Our daily grace and morning prayers already included that protective garment or armour of wisdom.
I often start the day with the prayer. “Lord, let my thoughts be your thoughts, my words be your words, my deeds be your deeds. “
Prayer is a shield. We are reminded of this as we commemorate D-Day.
I am so grateful for our Christian Science lesson sermons, the Lord’s Prayer with Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual interpretation, CS daily prayer and the 91st psalm- which are my favorite ways to start the day! The uplift, guidance and protection these bring are spiritual armor and I don’t leave home without them!
What a great way to have trouble stay out of the way:
“and may thy Word, enrich the affections, and GOVERN THEM.”
Best prevention I know!
Yes absolutely May Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind and Govern them, the result we see is Love reflected in love and God’s Allness of goodness reflecting upon everyone and everything we interact with, daily. I am so grateful for our Christian Scientist morning prayers with deep, breadth, height and might of Infinite Divine Love effectively manifested.
Thank you Isabel. I love that!
Thank you, everyone.