Stay under control

May 22, 2019 | 28 comments

Many people lament that much in the world looks out of control. Government dysfunction, rogue nations acting unpredictably, terrorism, mass shootings, etc. would confirm their belief. And no doubt, there are many crises in the world that cry out for prayer and healing. But it’s important to remember, that just because a situation appears out of control, we do not need to manifest the same belief. Our thinking can stay under control—under the control and influence of Truth and Love, rather than be thrown around by anger, frustration, doubt and despair.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Mind is the master of the corporeal senses, and can conquer sickness, sin, and death” (Science and Health, p. 393). As children of God, we can exercise the might of divine Mind over any human belief, no matter how remote it is to our personal experience. Our right spiritual thoughts coming from God, have a positive impact on the world experience. Our right thinking will improve wrong thinking and benefit any people affected by the situation we are praying about.

So, never play the role of the sap. Remember who you are! Remember your God-given dominion to think right, pray effectively, and produce a good effect with your understanding of Truth and Love. Be a world-changer, not an error-lamenter. Stay under God’s control, and pray for improvement.

28 thoughts on “Stay under control”

  1. Evan – this fits perfectly with my topic for tonight’s readings: : healing answers to hatred and violence.

  2. This is a wonderful post and so needed in the world, thank you Evan!

    I was once returning home alone, late, by train, from a talk in the city.

    An ugly fight started out between some football supporters in the carriage I was in. We were on the longest stretch between two stations, other travellers were becoming involved by physically trying to help. The carriage was filled with shouts of abuse and chanting, blows being exchanged and the whole situation rapidly deteriorating.

    The conductor was helpless, her diminutive frame seemingly lost in the mellè.

    I had been using Hy 207 that week for prayerful support and turned to it as “things” escalated.

    I tilted my head down beneath my skip cap and deeply prayed, using the words of that Hymn to focus my thoughts.

    “Only with mine eye can I behold the snare, the pit the fall. His habitation high is here and nigh, His arm encircled me and mine and all”

    I was engrossed in the prayer and Mrs Eddy’s words, what broke my concentration was the peace!

    I looked up and the youths were returning to their seats!

    The conductor came round the carriage to make sure everyone was ok.

    We certainly were!

    God’s habitation was nigh

    1. How wonderful, dear Shelagh! Thank you for sharing this precious experience!
      And much gratitude to you, Evan, for this post. This is something I very much needed today!

    2. Shelagh, thank you for taking a stand for God’s power and control in your seemingly out of control situation.

      1. Thank you Evan, and thank you Shelagh, for sharing a testimony of God´s power, I need to know that He is in control!

  3. This is wonderful prayer guidance, and obviously so needed! I am grateful to have it as I begin my morning prayer and Bible Lesson study. Thank you, Evan, for listening to God, responding positively, and sharing your inspiration with all of us..

  4. Thank you you Evan for your timely posts every weekday. Thank you Shelagh for sharing your healing experience of the all-inclusive power of Truth and Love.

  5. Thank you for sharing your experience of healing where everyone is included, Shelagh. Inspirational!.

  6. “Be a world-changer, not an error-lamenter.“
    Another classic spiritual sound-bite, take-away from Evan!

  7. This is definitely a topic that needs much attention. Thank you Evan and All, for sharing thoughts on it. There is so much negativity in the news, which of course divides us with lies, smears and opinions that, repeated over and over, tend to mold viewers into believing it is true, like also commercials. I think “stand porter at the door of thought” applies and we must constantly try to stay above all the chatter of negative thoughts that would give untruths and evil, power. Thank you for sharing your experience, Shelagh. Peace prevails!

  8. Thanks, Evan, for a much needed topic to be addressed. Great comments, especially Shelagh – what a beautiful experience of harmony being restored when His arm encircled her and everyone in that train car.

  9. Thanks Evan…my Wed night readings were on this topic too…”True Government IS GOD’S Control” Wish I’d seen this earlier as I’d have read it out during testimony time!

  10. Thank you Evan for this timely and powerful blog post topic. I love today’s photo. The woman appears equally peaceful and confident and she is wrapped tightly in a garment (symbolically, God’s protective embrace).

    I have been working through a challenge for many months and have grown tremendously in my spiritual understanding of which I am so grateful. But it would appear that I have times in between where I feel so down and discouraged and admittedly am sometimes impressed by how down I feel. When I feel this way error creeps in with it’s suggestions of many other things being wrong both around me and in the world, making things seem out of control. I want to be a “world-changer” not an “error-lamenter” and stay under God’s control.

    I am reminded of something that stood out to me in a JSH audio talk I heard last year: “Error screams loudest just before it’s crushed and beaten. Don’t give up, give more, do the opposite of what it’s screaming.” We have a right to be at peace and to expect peace to reign everywhere. Harmony is God’s law and it has all the power to control every worldly situation.

  11. This is very helpful. My hardest time to stay balanced is when children are involved. I will stay on this

  12. Yes! and isn’t this true when we are praying for healing of an apparently physical bodily condition? Not a single cell is outside of Mind’s control, Principle’s law of universal harmony, — not even a single thought.

  13. Can anyone post a link to the lyrics/words of Hymn 207…such a wonderful healing! Thank you so much.

    1. Dear Rebecca,
      Here are the words of Hymn 207, a poem written by Mary Baker Eddy. You can also find the poem in her Miscellaneous Writings, p. 389:

      The Mother’s Evening Prayer

      O gentle presence, peace and joy and power,
      O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,
      Thou Love that guards the nestling’s faltering flight!
      Keep thou my child on upward wing tonight.

      Love is our refuge; only with mine eye
      Can I behold the snare, the pit, the fall:
      His habitation high is here, and nigh,
      His arm encircles me, and mine, and all.

      O make me glad for every scalding tear,
      For hope deferred, ingratitude disdain!
      Wait, and love more for every hate, and fear
      No ill, – since God is good, and loss is gain.

      Beneath the shadow of His mighty wing,
      In that sweet secret of the narrow way,
      Seeking and finding, with the angels sing,
      “Lo, I am with you alway,” – watch and pray.

      No snare, no fowler, pestilence or pain,
      No night drops down upon the troubled breast,
      When heaven’s aftersmile earth’s tear-drops gain,
      And mother finds her home and heav’nly rest.

      1. Oh, Dear Beatrice, Thank you so, so much for your time, effort, and Love! Love pours forth back to you. Deeply appreciated.

  14. Thank you Evan and Shalagh for sharing your articles it gives me and reminds me of what I am and how to stay on put.

  15. Thank you Evan and all! Especially Beatrice for posting the Hymn. I hadn’t thought of it in a long time and was delighted to see it here.

  16. I seem to be a day behind but this is so important right now I felt I needed to comment. With all the seeming craziness going on with our government I think it’s so important to know WHO is in charge. I like very much when thinking of the daily prayer , at the end to very strongly pray “May thy word enrich the affections of ALL mankind and govern them” I think it’s important right now to include everyone in the world in this prayer — not just the ones we currently agree with.

    It is such a joy to read SpiritView and all the wonderful comments each day. Thank you Evan and everyone else who shares.

  17. Thank you Evan and all the other respondent s. This is such good advice and it is so necessary to heed it in our world today. Living in South Africa though this is so challenging as one is confronted with such blatant crime and constant danger every single day. But I will do my bit and pray for our safety and peace of mind.

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