Staying in good shape

September 5, 2022 | 16 comments

Do you like to stay in good shape? Are you concerned about how to demonstrate health and fitness? If so, be sure to start your exercise regimen with keeping your thought in good shape.

The best shape is outlined by divine Mind. It’s a figure of Spirit, where outline and form are not properties of matter, but qualities of divine Mind actively expressed through its right idea.

For instance, self-control, genuine contentment, peace of mind, spiritual poise, integrity, gratitude, and love, are states of Mind that outline a beautiful shape and form when actively expressed.

Self-indulgence, laziness, apathy, selfishness, gluttony, neglect, and their kin, are attitudes of mortal mind that lack the beautiful outline and form of divine Mind.

To stay in shape, keep your thought in shape! Let your outlook and ideals be shaped and formed by Truth and Love. Be quick to shed any unsightly forms of mortal mind that you do not wish to be part of your experience.

As the apostle Paul wrote, “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus” (II Tim. 1:13, NLT).

Christ Jesus stands for the perfect man. Let the perfect man of God’s creating form and shape your attitude and outlook. You’ll be very happy with the outcome.

16 thoughts on “Staying in good shape”

    1. Yes! A great reminder. We are these wonderful ideas, already perfectly formed by God, the one Mind of all. There’s no matter in Mind, so matter is no part of us. Matter is substance-less, a nothingness, and how can you shape nothingness? Spirit, Perfection’s image is ever perfect, God knows us eternally with a “form divinely fair,” (Hymn 51, Mary Alice Dayton)
      Matter, this dream-nothingness, is not man!
      Page 369 of Science and Health states: “In proportion as matter loses to human sense all entity as man, in that proportion does man become its master.”
      I liked this article on the subject:

  1. How grand it is to have these thoughts to work on during our daily routines of daily exercises. Keeping our minds on the path of instruction is the task of our moments as they play out in our minds each day. The results of our daily exercise is to feel the rightness of our actions and the refreshment of our minds staying in tune and toned up for the daily events as they unfold. Thank you Evan for the reminders of what is really behind the concept of physical exercises to stay balanced, poised, and joy filled.

  2. SpiritViews offer such inspired thinking as I begin my day. This one is particularly relevant to me, filled with reminders about ways to keep thought balanced and in check with God, preventing mortal mind from taking the helm. Thank you ever so much, Evan.

  3. How easy it can be to give attention to the ‘’bad attitudes of mortal mind..’ but here we have our answer. It is our spiritually balanced thought .. our oneness with Mind…that breaks the spell of apathy and directs us via the better path ….to the revelation of our perfect being. Thank you Evan and thank you Diane w.a. for the article . What a treasure Spirit View is..❣️

  4. Thank you for sharing these helpful reminders, especially at this time of year when our dear children, grand children and community children head back to school in order to get back into athletic as well as social and academic shape for 2022-23 school year. With so much impacting local communities much prayer and help of every kind is very much needed and gratefully received by families, educators staff and especially by students who may not realize where the help is coming from but would definitely benefit from it and share the love and kindness back into their families and forward into the future world where it can bless so many more! Thanks to all contributing your thoughts, love and prayers to share with each other here and for sharing so many helpful ideas articles and insights with us all. Have a blessed day!

  5. Thank you Evan. Great message today. Just a few weeks ago I was carrying 5 gallon buckets of water (one in each hand for a total of about 80 pounds of water) uphill from a lower part of our property where we have rain barrels to an upper part of our property where our garden is located. During one trip the suggestion occurred to me that if I did this enough times I would “get in shape for hauling water buckets”. Then an angel thought corrected that suggestion with the truth that as the manifestation of God, I “express” I don’t “get”. I started realizing that I manifest/express God’s qualities of strength, endurance, vitality, joy, vigor, etc.,etc., and therefore I don’t need to “get” them. God already has those attributes and God manifests those qualities as man (me and you). That was the end of the suggestion of tiredness and I’ve remembered that lesson and applied it numerous times since.

    1. RH, this makes a lot of sense. We have built into us as God’s children, all the qualities you mention: strength, vitality, vigor, joy, abundant energy etc. We don’t have to achieve or acquire them through physical exercise, but we can enjoy expressing them.

      I’ve been volunteering at a lovely community garden not far from my home and there is a lot of carrying around watering cans or buckets to water all the vegetable and flower beds. Some of the volunteers are able to carry large size, heavier containers and get the watering done much quicker and more efficiently.. I’ve been hearing a frustrating thought in my head that I’m more delicate/weaker than them and so I carry the water in small amounts and it takes a long time for me to finish the job because of this. I think I need to challenge that thought and know that I’m operating in and expressing God’s strength, power, vitality and time and can fully enjoy this watering task.

      Thanks and blessings to all, and happy Labor Day in the US and Canada to all members of the working class, we appreciate you.

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