21 thoughts on “Strengthening your angel wings”

    1. That’s a lovely poem, Ken.
      Also, I enjoyed your poem “Seed and Wheat, No Chaff” in a recent Sentinel. (Nov. 13) It’s a beautiful message.
      Thank you.

  1. Thank you Ken, so very lovely your Poem and wonderful the explanation of ANGEL from Science and Health by MBE.

    Thank you dearly Evan for the simple, but powerful truthwords as Sheila already said! They are very very helpful!♡

  2. Dear Evan, When I read SpiritView this morning, I had to chuckle because both of my hands are seemingly swollen — one from a thorn and the other from a Yellow Jacket sting!! I have been casually praying to know that the beauty of a rose or the industrious nature of a Yellow Jacket cannot cause me to suffer or to be in pain. Then I looked up Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of ANGELS in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She wrote ‘God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality.’ (p. 581). Wow!! As I continue to pray for healing, I can already feel my angel wings strengthening as I shift my thought towards God, good and this angel message. Thank you Evan for this short but powerful healing thought. I also love the accompanying picture.

    1. Dear Linda,
      Your thoughts are very healing and your angels surround us, always. Mrs. Eddy’s..
      “All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are Harmless, useful,
      indestructible” (S & H pg. 514:28) .. Yellow jackets would be included in that…

      And I found this, to be on the lookout for gratitude and love expressed in the
      beautiful roses you were caring for:
      “Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it.
      Others could be given a single weed and only see the [W]ildflower in it. Perception
      is a key component to gratitude. And gratitude a key component to joy” – Amy Weatherly
      I love how you wrote “I can already feel my angel wings strengthening as I shift
      my thoughts towards God, good and [this] angel message”.

        1. Thank you for your kind words, Linda and Happy Everyday-
          Thanksgiving to you, too! For you and all:

          When there is a rainbow, a rose, a beautiful sunset
          Clouds – moon or sunlit, puffy and bright…
          Angels are singing in heaven
          Smiling blessings
          And reassuring – Everything is alright.

  3. Thank you Evan for this short little gem of a verse.
    Thank you Linda for sharing your experience and of how the definition of angels
    is helping you to fly with ;the angels of His presence’ above the false evidence of
    the material senses.
    Mrs. Eddy tells us that trials are proofs of God’s care.
    As we turn to God in prayer when we encounter problems, we get the
    unmistakable proof that He is always present with us to help us. Then
    we go up higher spiritually in our understanding of our loving God and our
    relationship to Him as His beloved child. These trials are good because they
    force us to turn away from matter and find God as ever-present to help us.
    They gives us a firmer faith in the spiritual facts and help us
    to trust in Him completely.

  4. I Love angels ~ the thought of angels… God’s thoughts all around us! They are
    like the gentle wings of butterflies, but have the strength of ever-present Love,
    like a “guardian angel”, always there for us to whisper sweet persuasions of
    thought, guiding us through whatever seems to be our challenges. There were
    very few butterflies in my garden this year, but that made the ones that did come
    so very, very special. Their heavenly touch was always in thought.
    Thank you, KEN, for your beautiful poem. I love seagulls and It reminds me of
    Jonathan Livingston Seagull’s, (Richard Bach’s)..
    “Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look
    with your understanding. Find out what you already Know and you will see the
    way to fly”. So heavenly!

    1. Utmost wonderful, comforting and very inspiring indeed!! Thank you dear “J” for this article full of God’s Love, that God, His angels and the Christ are always with us!♡

  5. the play.. The Lost Boy.. the story of James Barrie creating Peter Pan.. So fortunate to have seen this…watching Tinkerbell, first conceived from Imagination,., this reluctant angel. Her having to take on the irrasiable ? Peter …and I thought of Jesus studying his options and feeling put upon, his ‘ego’ put out, I wondered if when looking into the sky from on top of the mountain, he asked.
    .”Why Me Father..” and then knowing, realizing Gods love for humanity was winning and on he went with renewed strength..
    We are constantly regenerated, reformed, alive with the Living Christ…and sighed,
    while waving wings…..

  6. Thank you, Ken, for your short but beautiful poem. And thanks to
    J for the link to in inspiring and helpful article. I am so deeply for
    SpiritView, Evan, and for all who share their thoughts.

  7. Thank you so much Evan. I (as usual) needed this message when it arrived and still comforted from it as the day goes on. Present to apply to specific challenges and to lean on in general. So grateful.

  8. Thoughts of comfort to you, dear RB. I find inspiration in coming here throughout
    the day also and appreciate the spiritual ideas shared very much.

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