Supply and employment

May 17, 2010 | 2 comments

So which comes first, supply or employment?

For those who have to work for a living, there’s a tendency to believe that a job is required first before supply is available to meet needs. But I’d like to push back on that notion.

Supply is much bigger than money to pay the bills. Supply is all the ways and means God has to support and sustain life and existence. Money might be one form it takes in the human experience, but it’s only a small part of the sum total of supply.

Supply is the wisdom, ideas, opportunities, possibilities, insights, understanding and more that lead to employment options in the first place. You don’t have to get a job first before you can have supply. You already have supply coming from God, and that divine supply is what meets your employment needs.

So, don’t think “I have to get a job first before I have supply.” Honor the supply you already have, and the next job God has in Mind for you to fulfill will become apparent.

Productive employment is part of the supply God is sending your way.

2 thoughts on “Supply and employment”

  1. A fellow Christian Scientist said to me once,
    “Our usefulness is our supply.” I have pondered
    this many times over the years.

    To be useful is to use the good talents and qualities that we reflect from our Source, divine Mind, God.
    (In Truth, we can’t help doing this!) Doing so naturally bring satisfaction (supply), fulfillment (supply), purpose (supply), all these and more…and, guess what? These show up in good careers, money, friends, houses, etc! Great system, huh!!!!

    God is so Good.

    Thanks for expanding on this vital subject, Evan!


  2. This is very good and so timely. My husband was laid off in Sept and he had a wonderful job interview a few weeks ago (yay)….and was made a subsequent job offer (yay again!!). But then very abruptly things started to unravel with the company and their offer. They told my husband they were “going in another direction”. This was pretty frightening at first but I’ve been so wanting to view this whole supply and employment opportunity spiritually.

    This couldn’t have come at a better time.

    Thank you!

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