Tag: awareness

Adopt the inspired thought

October 16, 2023 | 32 comments

What view of the universe are you beholding today? Is it inspired? Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and mortal theory of the universe, and adopts the spiritual and immortal” (Science and Health with Key to

Seeking the land of Love

October 13, 2023 | 50 comments

War has erupted in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, fighting over land that both claim as their own. What plays out politically and militarily is yet to be seen, but in the meantime, I pray for higher views

A prayer goal

October 9, 2023 | 27 comments

One goal of healing prayer is to see what God sees. You might ask, “What does God see in me?” God doesn’t see a mortal with shortcomings, pain, and disease. God sees an immortal with gifts, talents, health and peace.

Constant prayer

September 22, 2023 | 52 comments

Prayer is a healthy activity. It keeps thought inspired, buoyant, in a happy, grateful place, which allows one to feel more of God’s dominion. Since prayer brings great benefit, it stands to reason that the more you pray, the better


September 18, 2023 | 46 comments

Have you ever prayed and been inspired by the truth you were seeing, but not yet seen any outward healing effect from your prayer? If so, follow the “Realize…until” rule, to bring about the outward change. Mary Baker Eddy gives