Tag: choices

Be generous with your compliments

December 28, 2018 | 27 comments

“There is no effect more disproportionate to its cause than the happiness bestowed by a small compliment.” ~ Robert Brault Have you complimented your wife today? Have you noted something nice a friend has done? Have you given a co-worker

Solve the problem that matters most

December 21, 2018 | 26 comments

This quote by Adam Grant in his recent article, “What straight-A students get wrong,” published in the New York Times, caught my attention. “…career success is rarely about finding the right solution to a problem — it’s more about finding

Seek what you need

December 18, 2018 | 15 comments

“You can never get enough of what you don’t need to make you happy.” ~ Eric Hoffer It’s not lots of things that make people happy, but truth and love. Seek what truly satisfies, and enjoy an enriching Christmas.

Negativity is not compelling

December 12, 2018 | 21 comments

If a negative attitude is expressed around you, you are under no obligation to agree with it. You can stay spiritually minded. As a child of God, you were created to reflect the Mind of Christ which always sees what