Tag: courage

Face the tiger fearlessly

September 10, 2020 | 32 comments

Mary Baker Eddy made this comment about a military general of her time: “By looking a tiger fearlessly in the eye, Sir Charles Napier sent it cowering back into the jungle” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.

Never stuck

August 6, 2020 | 28 comments

Do you feel stuck, like you can’t move forward because there is something in the way that you can’t do anything about? The good news is–you are not stuck! We live in a universe of Mind, not matter, and what

Keep taking progressive steps

August 5, 2020 | 28 comments

With all the government shuts downs, slow-downs, and lock downs, it can be tempting to think that our ability to progress in life is limited. But this isn’t true! Progress always starts with advancement in thought. As thought advances, the

Face Goliath fearlessly

July 23, 2020 | 30 comments

In the Biblical story of David and Goliath, David had no fear of Goliath. David’s knowledge that he was backed by Almighty God, gave him courage and confidence to run fearlessly toward Goliath and topple the behemoth with one swift

Don’t be bullied by disease

July 8, 2020 | 42 comments

If suggestions of disease ever come your way and want to bully your thought into submission, don’t submit! The apostle Paul was adamant when he decreed, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). This rule applies