Tag: economy

A new standard for living

May 15, 2009 | No comments yet

So many good things are happening during this recession. The blessings for humanity are quite huge, actually. The news tends to focus on indicators that are supposed to alarm, like rising unemployment rates, unacceptable deficits and budgets awash in red

The recession is over

May 7, 2009 | 6 comments

Many economic observers are seeing signs that the recession is headed out the door. There are still many concerns about a commercial real estate crash, rising unemployment, and huge unknowns about the derivatives market, but it appears that severe losses

No long drawn out suffering

April 1, 2009 | 3 comments

I struggled with a little health issue for a few days recently that ordinarily would vanish with a short prayer. It was not a big deal, but I got a bit bothered by why it hadn’t yielded quickly this time.

Lots of orders for your business

March 30, 2009 | 2 comments

One of the opportunities the present economic malaise offers is for people to learn where their real source of income lies. It’s with God, the divine Mind that supplies all human needs! Cash comes and goes—and mostly goes… Paychecks are

Seek spiritual profit

March 20, 2009 | 6 comments

Thousands of businesses are struggling to make a profit these days. Millions of workers are juggling tighter budgets, reduced wages and heavy debt load. “How can I make more money?” many fret and ponder. The temptation to seek material gain