Tag: evil

Reality recognition

April 15, 2021 | 43 comments

Healing is all about recognizing reality. When praying for relief, there is a temptation at times to think that one must get rid of a problem to be free. Whereas the key to healing is recognizing the spiritual reality that

The long-term benefits of spiritual healing

March 26, 2021 | 20 comments

“Why not just take a pill?” many people wonder who don’t understand the benefits of healing through prayer. There are many reasons a person turning to God for help may not run to the drugstore for a prescription when seeking

Distance from false beliefs

February 11, 2021 | 19 comments

There has been great stress around the world over the last ten months to distance one’s physical body from other bodies to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The medical community believes viruses are spread through physical contact. However,

Vinegar and oil don’t mix

February 8, 2021 | 23 comments

A patient was striving to find more peace during some serious struggles she was facing. To sort out the struggle from the peaceful spiritual reality she knew was hers to enjoy as a child of God, she came up with