Tag: good

Preparation for a good night’s rest

October 20, 2023 | 45 comments

Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil

Stand on the side of Science and peace

October 17, 2023 | 27 comments

This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key

No big error and little error

October 11, 2023 | 35 comments

How big is error? Is there big error and little error? Does error have a size? Error is a term used in Christian Science to signify any condition that appears real to material sense but is not real to spiritual

Do you identify with the infinite idea

October 6, 2023 | 30 comments

Are you identifying with a self that has infinite possibilities? Or do you feel limited, stuck, and lacking? If the latter, it’s time for a remedy! Mary Baker Eddy writes, “God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself,

Living the Good Life

September 5, 2023 | 12 comments

Life is God, and God is good. ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Unity of Good If you’d like to live the Good Life, live a God-inspired life! God is good. God is Love. A consciousness of God brings peace of mind,