Tag: help

Find the child to love

December 30, 2019 | 27 comments

If you ever have a hard time finding something good in another person who irritates you, look a little deeper. There is an awesome child of God to see there that might not be apparent at surface glance. Here’s a

Ideas on how to improve relationships

December 23, 2019 | 12 comments

Would you like to improve any relationships in your life? Are there people you’d like to get along with better? I share some ideas in this vlog on how to find the love of God that resolves conflict and leads

Prayer that makes a difference

November 11, 2019 | 18 comments

Prayer can be far more than inspired words and petitions to God for help. Prayer can heal! It can change circumstances for the better. As part of my series on the healing benefits of practicing Christian Science, I share some

The accessibility of Christian Science

November 7, 2019 | 19 comments

One of the cool aspects of practicing Christian Science is learning how to find God’s help anywhere, anytime. You don’t have to first get to a drugstore, race to the doctor, or find another person before you can be helped