Tag: intelligence

Power of non-violent love

January 14, 2007 | No comments yet

Monday, January 15th, is Martin Luther King Jr. day in the USA. King was a deep spiritual thinker and powerful speaker who moved millions to seek reform through unconditional love and non-violent action. For anyone interested in improving the world

What limb are you on?

December 27, 2006 | No comments yet

When relying upon God for healing, many people fear failure. Like climbing out on the limb of a tree and wondering whether the wood can support one’s weight, many sufferers turn to the divine in prayer yet wonder whether their

Hanging out on a limb?

August 30, 2006 | No comments yet

A man tripped and fell off a cliff. Tumbling over the edge and plunging to certain death he grabbed hold of a shrubby bush sticking out of the rock. Dangling in space and filled with terror, he called out to

Intelligent design

December 24, 2005 | No comments yet

“What’s intelligent design?” my 15 year old daughter asked. “It teaches that God created the universe and made man, as taught in the book of Genesis.” I replied. “Well…that sounds okay,” she pondered. “But don’t many people think God created