Tag: kindness

No scapegoats for anger

November 17, 2009 | 5 comments

Here’s a sobering truth to consider for anyone prone to getting angry at others: Other people do not make you angry. In my past travels, I was on a plane that arrived very late into the Salt Lake City airport.

Who are you helping today?

November 9, 2009 | 1 comment

I have this cute paperweight that was given to me as a gift with a picture of one little girl pushing another up a steep slope. The quote on the side reads, It’s a useful reminder that we never suffer

Anger not a healthy motivator

October 28, 2009 | 6 comments

Have you ever resorted to anger to get your point across to another person? Perhaps significantly raised the volume of your voice and edginess of your tone to emphasize a message to a child? Ever gotten into an ugly argument


October 12, 2009 | 1 comment

I’ve read a number of editorials, opinion pieces and cartoons expressing disgust, dismay and anger over the recent public outbreaks of irresponsible behavior and attitude by Joe Wilson, Kanye West and Serena Williams. It’s disheartening to see role models for