Tag: kindness

A story of love…

April 9, 2007 | 5 comments

A story sent in by a reader… It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 am, when an elderly gentleman, in his 80’s, presented to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry as he

Ever felt used?

March 30, 2007 | 1 comment

Have you ever felt used by a boss, a co-worker, or by a family member? A reader sent in this thought-provoking quote: “We need to love people and use things—not love things and use people.”  

Hugs that heal

March 24, 2007 | 1 comment

The Rescuing Hug   This picture is from the article “The Rescuing Hug,” which details the first week of life for these twins.   Each baby was in her respective incubator, and one was not expected to live. Against odds,

More on the secret

February 28, 2007 | 4 comments

I enjoyed reading the below excerpt on “the wonderful secret” from a Christian Science lecture by Irving Tomlinson sent in by a reader. I have learned how to make Science a thing of life, not words, and I am going

Live what you pray

February 19, 2007 | 1 comment

Living What We Pray For I knelt to pray when day was done And prayed, “O Lord, bless everyone; Lift from each saddened heart the pain, And let the sick be well again.” And then I woke another day And