Tag: opportunity

Enjoy today

January 14, 2019 | No comments yet

Some people worry about tomorrow and fret about yesterday. But with God, there is only the now, the nowness of God’s infinite, omnipresent good. What happened yesterday does not affect the good you can experience today. What might happen tomorrow

Be grateful for the opportunity at hand

December 27, 2018 | 17 comments

“Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.” ~ Hugh Allen God gives us exactly what we need in the moment we are in. So, your opportunity at

Solve the problem that matters most

December 21, 2018 | 26 comments

This quote by Adam Grant in his recent article, “What straight-A students get wrong,” published in the New York Times, caught my attention. “…career success is rarely about finding the right solution to a problem — it’s more about finding