Tag: perfection

Cancer and depression healed

August 30, 2006 | No comments yet

Leafing through my files I came across a short letter forwarded to me from a woman who attended a lecture I gave on the healing power of forgiveness three years ago. She wrote that she had manic-depression and breast cancer.

Our cat Heidi

August 26, 2006 | 2 comments

We’re home from our brief trip to the mountains and back into the swing of tennis, swimming, and work for the kids and daily routine and fun adventure for the parents. We took our cat Heidi to the cabin this


June 7, 2006 | 1 comment

Have you noticed how pharmaceutical companies market disease to prompt people to buy their medicines? Actors and actresses in ads sneeze, cough, writhe in supposed pain, and put on a show of utter misery to catch viewer’s attention. Then a

Eternal health

May 19, 2006 | No comments yet

Do you believe in eternal life? If so, then you have to believe in eternal health. It’s impossible to possess eternal life and not be healthy, for disease is the opposite of life, the effect of death in varying degrees.

It’s not hard

April 13, 2006 | 1 comment

It’s not hard to be what God created you to be. Is it hard for a number 8 to remain a number 8? Is it difficult for a circle to stay round? Is it hard for water to be wet?