Tag: persistence

Don’t let a slow start discourage you

February 19, 2018 | 19 comments

My wife and I were putting together a 1000-piece puzzle of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree in New York City. It was a tough puzzle! Often, we can put together a 1000-piece puzzle in less than 24 hours, but this one

Catch your thermal for the day

December 21, 2017 | 31 comments

Have you ever noticed how many birds can soar to greater heights in the sky without flapping their wings? They don’t struggle to soar. They don’t furiously flap their wings to work their way higher. They don’t get all stressed

Prevent transference of other’s suffering

September 20, 2017 | 25 comments

Here’s another vlog I produced while on my Canyonlands trip last May in southern Utah, that brings out the critical importance of not letting other people’s suffering transfer into your experience when exposed to it. My regular readers may be