Tag: supply

Finding your needs met

April 16, 2020 | 28 comments

Have you ever felt like your needs aren’t being met? Maybe a friend or partner is not acting up to your expectations, or an employer is overlooking your talents? If so, it’s a ripe opportunity to see how God is

Pray ahead of time

April 14, 2020 | 20 comments

If prayer can help you out of trouble, it certainly helps to keep you out of trouble! Don’t wait until an emergency to pray. Pray ahead of time and prevent emergencies!

The income that never dries up

April 8, 2020 | 41 comments

With massive layoffs and business shutdowns over recent weeks, millions of people are wondering how they are going to pay the bills. It helps to know that one is not alone in answering that question. God is with you! God

Life’s purpose

March 11, 2020 | 21 comments

What is the purpose of your life? Many think their purpose is to hold a job, earn money and save up for the future. Others idle their time away, looking for ways to amuse themselves. Some feel depressed and wonder