Tag: supply

The Eye of the Lord and hurricane Florence

September 14, 2018 | 44 comments

Hurricane Florence is landing on the eastern seaboard of the United States threatening thousands of homes with its hurricane force winds and surges of water from the ocean. There has already been a mass exodus of people from the path

God answers every prayer promptly

August 6, 2018 | 21 comments

Do you realize that God hears every one of your prayers and answers it promptly? Jesus said, “…your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” (Matt. 6:8, NLT). And because God is Love, you can be

Turn loss into gain

July 27, 2018 | 19 comments

If you’ve ever felt beset by loss, and accompanying grief, there’s a way to turn that loss into gain and to get back one’s inspiration. To make the transition from feeling lack to finding gain, it’s helpful to ask the

The surplus thinker

May 4, 2018 | 26 comments

To enjoy the abundance of divine Mind and see human needs met on a regular basis, be a surplus thinker. A surplus thinker reasons out from the omnipresence of God. He sees supply, where the human eye sees lack. He

Faith that is rewarded

April 16, 2018 | 21 comments

A piano teacher, who is a good friend of mine, told me an awe-inspiring story about two young brothers who came to him for piano lessons. These two boys wanted to learn how to play piano more than anything, but