Tag: supply

God’s help is bigger than any flood

September 1, 2017 | 29 comments

Tens of thousands of people in the Houston, Texas, region are struggling mightily with the devastating effect of unprecedented floods swamping their homes and highways. Their plight is a call for those standing on dry ground to aid however they

Staying in the best place possible

August 11, 2017 | 22 comments

Have you ever felt like you’re in your wrong place? Perhaps in the wrong job, the wrong house, the wrong community, the wrong marriage or the wrong career? If so, you have an opportunity to redeem your concept of “place.”

Set spiritual goals

July 19, 2017 | 12 comments

What are the most important goals to set and reach in life—the material or the spiritual? The mortal mind, in its erroneous belief that matter is substance, sets material goals and believes they are the most important attainments. How to

No emergencies with God

May 24, 2017 | 15 comments

Do you realize that you can live a life free of emergencies? Yep, it’s possible. There is no situation you can ever get into that God is not already there. There is no event that can occur that God isn’t