Tag: thought

Don’t be gullible

May 10, 2021 | 18 comments

To stay healthy, resist gullibility. To be gullible, is to be easily persuaded into believing something. With suggestions of disease running rampant in popular thought these days, it’s critical that one not be suggestible to whatever notion of mortal mind

What is essential?

March 30, 2021 | 21 comments

Your job may have been labeled as either essential or not essential over the last year, but there is one activity that will always be essential no matter what is happening in society around you. It is worshipping the one

Checking for progress

March 29, 2021 | 39 comments

If praying for healing of a physical ailment, are you tempted to check the physical body for evidence of progress? It’s a common temptation, and a misguided one. All healing happens in thought first. If you want to know whether

Think for yourself

March 22, 2021 | 23 comments

As a reflection of the one divine Mind that thinks for itself, man, as a reflection of the one Mind, “thinks for himself,” too. This is a very empowering truth to understand, for we often encounter other people who want