Tag: trust

Respond with love

August 8, 2023 | 42 comments

Have you ever felt stung by another person’s comments? Perhaps they said something that felt cruel, unwarranted, inappropriate, or offensive? Often these comments catch us off guard, seem to come out of nowhere, and leave us wondering, “What happened?” We

Are you praying or worrying

August 4, 2023 | 43 comments

Have you ever done this: Been faced with a problem that is a bit terrifying, commit yourself to praying for a solution, but spend the bulk of your time rehearsing worries and fears about the problem instead of truly knowing

Guard and protect virtues

July 28, 2023 | 23 comments

Beloved children, the world has need of you, — and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives. You need also to watch, and pray that you preserve these virtues unstained,

Living your understanding of God

July 17, 2023 | 22 comments

Everyone is living out their understanding of God. The more one understands God to be infinite Love, the more love one feels and expresses. The more one understands God to be an all-knowing, all-wise Mind, the more peace one feels