Tag: video

Eliminate worry about the future

September 13, 2021 | 26 comments

Do you ever worry about what might happen in the future? If so, there’s a way to heal that anxiousness and find peace of mind. I share some ideas in this video on how to live in the moment you’re

Health you can count on

August 26, 2021 | 17 comments

If you ever worry about keeping your health intact, it’s an opportunity to understand health from a spiritual point of view. True health is spiritual. It goes with you wherever you go. I explain how to find health you can

There’s always a way

June 9, 2021 | 29 comments

Have you ever felt like your prayers weren’t being answered? What can you do to find the healing you’re looking for? Learn what a man in the Bible did when he couldn’t find healing, and how his example can help